Comparing Models of Regional Integration Experiences from the Latin America Region

Wed, 05-10-2011; 02:00 hasta Fri, 07-10-2011; 02:00
Otras sedes

Academy of Global Governance-European University Institute. Florencia, Italia (Badia Fiesolana-Sala del Capitolo y Via dei Roccettini, 9-San Domenico di Fiesole)

Coordinador Científico: Carlos Closa Montero (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)
-Antoni Estevadeordal (Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo) "Regional Integration in Latin America: A Third Generation Integration Agenda?"
-Félix Peña (Institute of International Trade-Standard Bank Foundation) "Mercosur as a Regional and Global Protagonist"
-Oswaldo Rosales (Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe) "Latin American Integration and the Pacific Area"
-Jose Antonio Sanahuja (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) "From Open Regionalism to Post-Liberal Regionalism: New Directions in Latin American Regional Integration"
-José A. Tavares (Universidad Nova de Lisboa) "Regional Agreements: Exploring Some Simple Politioncal Arithmetics"
Latin America is not only one of the world areas in which regional integration started early (with some of the political attempts dating from the very moment of independence), but it is also the one in which there is a large abundance of integration schemes: ALADI, ALBA, CAN, CARICOM, MERCOSUR, SICA, UNASUR, and the list does not exhaust the number of existing schemes. This abundance speaks of an interest in integration as an instrument to deal with different, but eventually competing, ends. It also shows the relative lack of robustness of regional integration in Latin America, particularly in comparison to the paradigmatic European model. Lately, though, politicians and scholars have challenged the paradigmatic value of the European model. This seminar will revise some of these topics and will present participants with the practical view brought by both practitioners and scholars
Plazo máximo para las inscripciones: 5 de septiembre de 2011
Tipo de actividad: Executive Training. Las sesiones serán en inglés
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