Autonomy vs dependency of scientific collaboration in research performance of nations

Investigadora principal: Zaida Chinchilla Rodríguez.

Duración: 2016-2017

Funded by: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte.

Referencia: PR2016-00479

This project will explore the capacity of countries/institutions in the generation of scientific knowledge and its visibility at the global level, especially to what extent the main producers of scientific output depend on collaboration to heighten research performance in terms of citation; or to the contrary, whether there is enough autonomy and capacity to leverage its competitiveness through the design of research and development agendas. The approach, with its emphasis on the autonomy and dependency of countries in their performance, is based on a battery of indicators and techniques of visualization of information to study scientific dynamics from a combined perspective: co-authorship, impact and meaningfulness of scientific leadership at national and international level.  

Autonomy vs dependency of scientific collaboration in research performance of nations