Seminarios del IPP: Programación de otoño de 2024

Wed, 25-09-2024; 00:00 hasta Wed, 04-12-2024; 00:00

Sala Herbert Simon 3D

Permanent Seminar IPP (CSIC) Spring 2024

(Coordinator: Marta Fraile, IPP-CSIC)

September 25
Zoe Lefkofridi (Department of Political Science at the University of Salzburg)
Gender equality and democracy in times of backlash

October 9
Alvaro Canalejo (University of Lucerne)
The Downstream Effects of a Disliked Election Winner on Democratic Attitudes

October 16
Arlo Poletti (University of Trento)
European Public Opinion on inward Foreign Direct Investments: Experimental Evidence

October 23
Nina Wiesehomeier (School of global and public affairs, IE University)
Through Thick and Thin: Populism and Ideological Positioning

November 6
Jennifer Piscopo (Royal Holloway University of London)
The Women’s Rights Era: 50 Years of Gender Equality Advocacy and Reform across the Globe

November 13
Sebastian Lavezzolo (Carlos III University-IC3JM)
Revolving Doors: Evidence from 100 Years in Spain

November 20
Annamaria Conti (IE Bussiness School)
The Selective Tailwind Effect of Artificial Intelligence

December 4
Jens Horbach (Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg)
Climate Change Affectedness and Innovation in German Firms

Seminarios del IPP: Programación de primavera de 2024
Poster1.75 MB