Seminarios del IPP: "Migrant integration in the Global South: the educational achievement of the second generations in Argentina"

Wed, 01-12-2021; 00:00

Por Carolina Zucotti (Universidad Carlos III)

Sala María Zambrano 0C9 y online a través de Zoom (enlace ID de reunión: 871 5322 7288 - código de acceso: 416827)

Organiza: Francisco Herreros (IPP-CSIC)

Abstract: Having migrant and/or ethnic origins is a central determinant of educational opportunities. Using 2001 and 2010 IPUMS census microdata, the aim of the article is to study processes of educational integration and educational mobility of second-generation South American immigrants in Argentina, in comparison with 'native' Argentines. In particular, the proposal seeks to identify to what extent—and for which groups—having migrant origins influences the reproduction of educational inequalities. The high prevalence of educational and social inequalities in the country, combined with the growing arrival of regional immigrants, makes Argentina an interesting case study. The analysis focuses on two variables: school attendance and educational level. The results show that parental education interacts with migrant origins when explaining educational achievements: the role of parental education tends to be weaker among migrant-origin groups. This has implications for their educational opportunities. In general, migrant-origin groups are advantaged over ‘native’ Argentines among those who have parents with low educational levels (especially Bolivians and Paraguayans); conversely, they are disadvantaged among those with parents of medium-high educational levels (which affects mainly Peruvians). Possible explanations are offered.

Carolina V. Zuccotti is a sociologist from Argentina and currently a Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) Global Fellow at the University Carlos III Madrid and visiting lecturer in its Master of Social Sciences. Her research interests include: social inequality & stratification; ethnicity & migration; spatial segregation, neighboruhood effects and residential mobility; and quantitative methods. Her MSCA project, GLAM - Global South Migration and Comparative Integration: A Study of South American Migrants, studies i) how integration patterns of southern migrants and their children in the Global South differ with respect to those of their counterparts in the Global North, and ii) what gains (or loses) southern migrants and their children in Southern and Northern destinations experience with respect to non-migrants in origin countries.  Her work has been published in international journals, including Sociology; International Migration Review; Population, Space and Place; Ethnic and Racial Studies; and Work, Employment and Society, among others.