Seminario IPP "Funding and evaluation ecologies and their effect on perfomance: some macro and some micro considerations"

Wed, 21-11-2018; 00:00

Por Peter van den Besselaar (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Understanding the quality of science systems requires international comparative studies, which are difficult because of the lack of comparable data especially about inputs in research. In this study, we deploy an approach based on change instead of on levels of inputs and outputs: an approach that to a large extent eliminates the problem of measurement differences between countries. We firstly show that there are large differences in efficiency between national science systems, defined as the increase in output (highly cited papers) per percentage increase in input (funding). We then discuss our findings using popular explanations of performance differences: differences in funding systems (performance related or not), differences in the level of competition, differences in the level of university autonomy, and differences in the level of academic freedom. Interestingly, the available data do not support these common explanations. What the data suggest is that efficient systems are characterized by a well-developed ex post evaluation system combined with considerably high institutional funding and relatively low university autonomy (meaning a high autonomy of professionals). On the other hand, the less efficient systems have a strong ex ante control, either through a high level of so-called competitive project funding, or through strong power of the university management.  The second part of the paper analysises the process of selection of grants allocation in competitive funding calls, for instance the European Research Council (ERC) starting grants (SG), and it empirically assess the existance of gender bias,

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D, 12:00 hrs

Organiza: Luis Sanz Menéndez, Laura Cruz Castro, Catalina Martínez - Grupo Sistemas y Políticas de Innovación e Investigación (SPRI), IPP-CSIC

Coordinador del ciclo de seminarios del IPP: Fancisco Herreros - Grupo Ciudadanos e Instituciones (IPP-CSIC)

Francisco Herreros, Grupo Ciudadanos e Instituciones (IPP-CSIC)

Seminario IPP "Funding and evaluation ecologies and their effect on perfomance: some macro and some micro considerations"
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Dpto. de Ciencia e Innovación
Sistemas y Políticas de Investigación e Innovación (SPRI)