April 2017

Del Rio P, Resch G., Ortner A., Liebmann L., Busch S. & Panzer C.

Abstract. The aim of this paper is to assess several pathways of a harmonised European policy framework for supporting renewable electricity (RES-E) in a 2030 horizon according to different criteria. The pathways combine two main dimensions: degrees of harmonisation and instruments and design elements. A quantitative model-based analysis with the Green-X model is provided. The results of the…

Costa-Campi M.T., Del Rio P. & Trujillo-Baute E.

Abstract. The energy sector is undeniably undergoing a critical period, faced with multiple challenges, whether economic, political or technological. These challenges are related to the requirements set on the sector to meet a wide range of social demands associated with the three traditional dimensions of a sustainable energy system, i.e., environmental sustainability, security of energy supply…

Huntsinger, L., Hruska, T.V., Oviedo, J.L., Shapero, M., Naderm G.A., Ingram, R.S. & Beissinger S.R.

Abstract. More frequent drought is projected for California. As water supplies constrict, and urban growth and out-migration spread to rural areas, trade-offs in water use for agriculture, biodiversity conservation, fire hazard reduction, residential development, and quality of life will be exacerbated. The California Black Rail (Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus), state listed as “…

Pavone V., Ball K., Degli Esposti S., Dibb S. & Santiago E.

Abstract. This article investigates the normative and procedural criteria adopted by European citizens to assess the acceptability of surveillance-oriented security technologies. It draws on qualitative data gathered at 12 citizen summits in nine European countries. The analysis identifies 10 criteria, generated by citizens themselves, for a socially informed security policy. These criteria not…

March 2017

Caparrós A. & Péreau J.C.

Abstract. We discuss a model of gradual coalition formation with positive externalities in which a leading country endogenously decides whether to negotiate multilaterally or sequentially over climate change. We show that the leader may choose a sequential path, and that the choice is determined by the convexity of the TU-game and the free-rider payoffs of the followers. Except in a few clearly…

Domenech, J. & Herreros F.

Abstract. We analyze the impact of failed land reform on peasant conflict in Spain before the Civil War using a municipal data set with monthly observations of peasant conflict in Andalusia from April 1931 to July 1936. We find temporary occupations of land were rare and not correlated with either organized reaction to land reform or the existence of a large pool of beneficiaries. Potential…

February 2017

Ferrin M., Fraile M. & Garcia G.

Abstract. This article analyzes the extent to which the format and the “Do not know” (DK) protocol of political knowledge questions influence the size of the gender gap. By using a set of experiments that manipulated the DK protocol and the format (open vs. closed ended) of political knowledge questions in a face-to-face representative survey of the Spanish population, we show that the format of…

Burguillo M., Del Rio P. & Romero-Jordan D.

Abstract. The aim of this paper is to estimate fuel demand behaviour related to car use by households with different income levels in Spain using micro-level panel data in order to infer public policy implications. Our results show that the income elasticity of fuel demand is highest for the lowest income group and diminishes monotonically for the others. The price elasticity is highest in…

Del Rio P., Romero-Jordan D. & Penasco C.

Abstract. This paper analyses the main determinants influencing different types of eco-innovations and eco-innovators in Spain. We differentiate between two types of eco-innovations (process vs. product and new-to-the-market (NTM) vs. new-to-the-firm (NTF)) and two different types of ecoinnovators (large vs. small and old vs. new firms). Our findings show that new firms are not more eco-…

Soliño M., Farizo B.A. & Campos P.

Abstract. Context. Driven hunts exemplify the most representative form of big-game hunting in southern Europe.
Aims. We analysed hunter preferences for driven hunts and the marginal willingness to pay for their characteristics.
Methods. We conducted a discrete-choice experiment for driven hunts, taking into account the number of deer that could
be hunted, the possibility of free…