November 2017

Oviedo, J.L. & Yoo, H.I.

Abstract. We analyze stated ranking data collected from recreational visitors to the Alcornocales Natural Park (ANP) in Spain. The ANP is a large protected area which comprises mainly cork oak woodlands. The visitors ranked cork oak reforestation programs delivering different sets of environmental (reforestation technique, biodiversity, forest surface) and social (jobs and recreation sites…

October 2017

Valentino, N.A., Soroka, S.N., Iyengar, S., Aalberg, T., Duch, R., Fraile, M. et al.

Abstratc. Employing a comparative experimental design drawing on over 18,000 interviews across eleven countries on four continents, this article revisits the discussion about the economic and cultural drivers of attitudes towards immigrants in advanced democracies. Experiments manipulate the occupational status, skin tone and national origin of immigrants in short vignettes. The results are most…

Vargas-Quesada, B., Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Z. & Rodríguez, N.

Abstract. Since the discovery of the promising properties of graphene, research in the field has attracted numerous grants and sponsors, leading to an exponential rise in the number of papers and applications. This article presents a global map of graphene research and its intellectual structure, drawn using the terms of more than 50,000 documents extracted from Scopus database, years 1998–2015.…

August 2017

Caparrós A., Oviedo J.L., Álvarez A. & Campos P.

Abstract. This paper discusses the Simulated Exchange Value method, a practical method to estimate values for goods and services currently outside of the market in a manner consistent with the market-based figures considered in …

Perna R.

Abstract. Since multiple crises are currently affecting Europe, interest on changes in intra-EU mobility patterns, policies and EU movers’ strategies of integration has re-emerged in academic debates. What seems to still lack to date is a focus on the chaining actors linking the macro level of policies and the micro level of individual strategies, that is, civil servants who are in charge of…

July 2017

Ciaramella L., Martínez C. & Ménière Y.

Abstract. Drawing on more than half a million granted patents in all technological sectors filed at EPO between 1998 and 2012 we gather information on 300,000 inscriptions affecting changes in their ownership at the EPO and top national registers (France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain). After grouping parallel legal events in different European validation countries, we find that more than 30% of…

Fraile, M. & Gómez, R.

Abstract. Notwithstanding the improvement in gender equality in political power and resources in European democracies, this study shows that, on average, declared interest in politics is 16 per cent lower for women than for men in Europe. This gap remains even after controlling for differences in men's and women's educational attainment, material and cognitive resources. Drawing on the newly…

Dalle J-M., den Besten M., Martínez C. & Maraut S.

Abstract: We explore how microwork platforms manage difficult tasks in paid crowdsourcing environments. We argue that as human computation becomes more prevalent, notably in the context of big data ecosystems, microwork platforms might have to evolve and to take a more managerial stance in order to provide the right incentives to online workers to handle difficult tasks. We illustrate this first through a…

June 2017

Del Rio P.

Abstract. The European Climate and Energy mix of targets and policies has been criticised by many economists. In particular, it is often argued that the renewable energy targets do not make economic sense, because they represent an expensive option to reduce CO2 emissions within a cap-and-trade scheme such as the European Union …