April 2010

San Miguel G., Del Rio P. & Hernández F.

Abstract. Following environmental and economic motivations, most countries in the world are confronting the challenge of reducing both their dependence on fossil fuels and their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The promotion of renewable energy sources (RES) contributes to these two goals while simultaneously bringing economic opportunities in less industrialized areas and positioning national…

Alcántara V., Del Rio P., Hernández F.

Abstract. The aim of this paper is to identify those sectors that contribute most to electricity consumption in Spain, using a methodology based on input–output tables, and to derive some recommendations aimed at increasing energy efficiency in those sectors. This input–output approach is complemented with a sector-focused study in which the availability of electricity-efficient technologies per…

March 2010

Jonkers K.

Abstract. This article explores the concentration in the global plant molecular life science research output. In the past 15 years, especially the share of articles which refer to the model organism A. thaliana has increased rapidly. Citation analyses show an even greater rise in the importance of this organism. Attempts are discussed to come to a scientometric definition of model…

Ovando P., Campos P., Calama R. & Montero G.

Abstract. This analysis measures the net benefit that a landowner could obtain from changing current dry-land cereal fields into Stone pine plantations in Portillo and Viana (Valladolid, Spain). We apply cost–benefit analysis techniques to estimate the present value of Stone pine afforestation net benefit by considering an infinite series of forestry rotations. We simulate three Stone pine…

Tarancón M.A., Del Río P. & Callejas F.

Abstract. The production and consumption of electricity is a major source of CO2 emissions in Europe and elsewhere. In turn, the manufacturing sectors are significant end-users of electricity. In contrast to most papers in the literature, which focus on the supply-side, this study tackles the demand-side of electricity. An input–output approach combined with a sensitivity analysis has…

February 2010

Aguillo I.F., Ortega J.L., Fernández M. & Utrilla A.M.

Abstract. The Ranking Web of World Repositories (http://repositories.webometrics.info) is introduced. The objective is to promote Open access initiatives (OAI) supporting the use of repositories for scientific evaluation purposes. A set of metrics based on web presence, impact and usage is discussed. The Ranking is built on indicators obtained…

January 2010

Perianes-Rodriguez A., Olmeda-Gomez C. & Moya-Anegon F.

Abstract. The present paper proposes a method for detecting, identifying and visualizing research groups. The data used refer to nine Carlos III University of Madrid departments, while the findings for the Communication Technologies Department illustrate the method. Structural analysis was used to generate co-authorship networks. Research groups were identified on the basis of factorial analysis…

Caparrós A., Pereau J.-C. & Tazdaït T.

Abstract. This paper studies the concept of ‘mutual aid’ developed by Kropotkin, which implies cooperation as a strategic choice. We study this concept in a sequential prisoner’s dilemma in a non-cooperative framework and in an indirect evolution framework (with complete and incomplete information). We systematically compare this game with one that models Kant’s moral. In the non-cooperative…

Cruz-Castro L. & Sanz-Menéndez L.

Abstract. Based on the data from survey responses and publications of 1583 academic scientists in Spain, this paper examines the relationship between scientific performance and reward, considering tenure and permanent positions as key academic rewards in early phases of academic career and focusing especially on the mediating effect of mobile versus stable career paths. Although widely practiced…

Leydesdorff L., Moya-Anegón F. & Guerrero V.P.

Abstract. Using the Scopus dataset (1996–2007) a grand matrix of aggregated journal-journal citations was constructed. This matrix can be compared in terms of the network structures with the matrix contained in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) of the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI). Because the Scopus database contains a larger number of journals and covers…