Convocatoria para expresiones de interés para contratos posdoctorales de 5 años (programa Ramón y Cajal) en el Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (CSIC-IPP)
The Spanish Ministry for the Science, Innovation and Universities (MINCIU) has announced the 2019 call for support to 5-year employment contracts at universities and public research institutions in Spain, within the program Ramon y Cajal, for outstanding researchers and starting in 2018.
For more information and the full text of the call (in Spanish), please follow this link: Ayudas para Contratos Ramón y Cajal 2019
As applicants need to be endorsed by a Spanish institution, the Institute of Public Goods and Policies (IPP) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) has opened a screening process to endorse outstanding candidates. Candidates need to fill in an application form on the website mentioned above, and need to do so before the 14th of January.
The CSIC-IPP invites applications in any of the six research areas of the institute: i) Environmental Economics, ii) Rural Geography, iii) Citizens, Institutions and Policy, iv) Social Policies and Welfare State, v) Systems and Policies for Research and Innovation, and vi) Scientometrics.
We invite potential applicants to check the Institute’s website to know more about our staff and research agendas:
Applications including the CV of the applicant and confirmed support from the head of one of the research groups at the institute should be sent to direccion.ipp [at] () before 14th of January 2020 (3:00 pm).
Disclaimer: This information is provided for the sake of clarity. The legal conditions are exclusively those contained in the official legal call published in the BOE.