Fraile Maldonado

Redes sociales
Doctora en ciencias sociales por el Instituto Universitario Europeo de Florencia (EUI). Es Científica Titular del CSIC desde 2007. En Diciembre de 2024, superó las pruebas nacionales de promocion a profesora de investigación del CSIC. Ha sido profesora en la Universidad Pompeu-Fabra (2000-2004) y la Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (2004-2007), Jean Monnet Fellow en el RSCAS del EUI (2010-2012), visiting professor en la Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna en Pisa (2014), invited professor en el CEU en Budapest (2017), invited professor en la Universidad de Lucerna (2023 y 2024). Posee el certificado de acreditación como catedrática de ciencia politica en Italia (2017) y España (2022). En 2019 obtuvo el Gordon Smith and Vincent Wright Memorial Prize.
Especialista en el estudio de la opinión pública y el comportamiento político desde una perspectiva de género y comparada. En la actualidad, dirije el proyecto: "Unraveling Gender Equality Resistance in Europe (GENEQ_RESIST)", financiado por la AEI (Ref: PID2023-147429OB-I00). El proyecto utiliza evidencia de la Round 11 rotating module de la European Social Survey (ESS): "Gender in contemporary Europe: Rethinking Equality and the Backlash". Junto a Susan Banducci, Hilde Coffe, Jessica Fortin-Rittberger, y Amy Alexander, su propuesta fue seleccionada en competicion internacional. También es beneficiaria del proyecto ERC TWICEASGOOD: Twice as Hard, Half as Good? Women's Candidate Experience of Sexism on the Campaign Trail (Reference: 101019284), dirigido por Susan Banducci, donde es reponsable del estudio del caso español
Marta Fraile publica con asiduidad en las revistas científicas internacionales de las disciplinas de Ciencia Política, Sociología y Comunicación, tales como British Journal of Political Science, Electoral Studies, European Journal of Political Research, European Union Politics, International Political Science Review, International Journal of Press Politics, Political Behavior, Political Psychology, Political Research Quarterly, Politics & Gender, West European Politics, etc.
2025. Beyond likes: The role of influencers in promoting views about feminism in Spain (with Alejandro Tirado & Paula Zuluaga). Politics and Gender. OA: https:///
2024. What is political and what is not? Illustrating how the public salience of abortion in the media shapes public perceptions about its political nature. Acta Politica (with Enrique Hernández). OA:
2024. Closing the gender gap in internal political efficacy: gender roles and the masculine ethos of politics in Spain. Political Behaviour 46: 2297-2311 (with Dani Marinova). OA:
2023. Mind the backlash: gender discrimination and sexism in contemporary societies. Frontiers 5 (with Hilde Coffe, Jessica Fortin, Amy Alexander and Susan Banducci). OA:
2023. Masculinity, sexism and populist radical right support. Frontiers 5 (with Hilde Coffe, Jessica Fortin, Amy Alexander and Susan Banducci). OA:
2023. “Political sophistication” entry in The Encyclopedia of Political Sociology (edited by Maria Grasso and Marco Giuni). Edward Elgar: 443-446
2022. Testing public reactions to mass protest hybrid media events: a rolling cross-sectional study of International Women’s Day in Spain. Public Opinion Quarterly 83-3: 597-620 (with Manuel Jiménez and Josep Lobera)
2022. Risk and the gender gap in internal political efficacy in Europe. West European Politics 45-7: 1462-1480 (with Carolina de Miguel).
2022. ¿Entra el género en las urnas? Las diferencias en el voto de hombres y mujeres. Capítulo 11 en el libro: Género y política. Nuevas líneas de análisis ante la cuarta ola feminista. Alba Alonso y Marta Lois (editoras). Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch: 239-258
2021. La opinión pública durante la pandemia: ¿más de lo mismo? Panorama Social 33: 177-192 (with M. Méndez)
2020. Unpacking gender, age, and education knowledge inequalities: A systematic comparison. Social Science Quarterly 101(4):1653-1669 (with Jessica Fortin-Rittberger). OA:
2020. Tracing the gender gap in political interest: a panel analysis. Political Psychology 41(1): 89-106 (with Irene Sánchez-Vítores).
2020. The gender gap in political interest revisited. International Political Science Review 41(1):473-489 (with Monica Ferrín, Gema García and Raul Gómez).
2020. “Determinants of voting behaviour”, Chapter 22 in the Oxford Handbook of Spanish Politics edited by Ignacio Lago and Diego Muro (pp 370-386) (with Enrique Hernández)
2019. Adult roles and the gender gap in political knowledge: A comparative study. West European Politics 42(7): 1368-1389 (with Monica Ferrín and Gema García).
2019. Who learns in information-rich contexts? Knowledge gaps and electoral campaigns. International Journal of Press Politics 24(3): 315-340 (with Gema Garcia and Monica Ferrín)
2018. Brechas de género en la relación con la política: implicación, conocimiento y participación. Panorama Social. 27: 165-181
2018. Economic and cultural drivers of immigrant support worldwide. British Journal of Political Science. 49: 1201–1226 (with Nicholas Valentino, Stuart Soroka, Shanto Iyengar et. al).
2018. Is it Simply Gender? Content, Format, and Time in Political Knowledge Measures Politics & Gender 14(2): 162-185 (with Monica Ferrín and Gema García).
2017. Bridging the enduring gender gap in political interest in Europe: The relevance of promoting gender equality. European Journal of Political Research 56(3): 601-617 (with Raul Gómez)
2017. Why does Alejandro know more about politics than Catalina? Explaining the Latin American Gender Gap in Political Knowledge British Journal of Political Science 47(1): 91-112 (with Raul Gómez)
2017. The gender gap in political knowledge: is it all about guessing? An experimental approach The International Journal of Public Opinion Research 29(1): 111-132 (with Monica Ferrín and Gema García)
2015. Young and gapped? Studying civic knowledge of girls and boys in Europe Political Research Quarterly 68(1): 63-76 (with Monica Ferrín and Martiño Rubal)
2014. Does deliberation contribute to a decrease of the gender gap in knowledge? European Union Politics 15(3): 372-388.
2014. Correspondence between the objective and the subjective economies: personal economic circumstances as a heuristic Political Studies 62(4): 895-912 (with Sergi Pardós-Prado)
2014. Do women know less about politics than men? The Gender Gap in Political Knowledge in Europe Social Politics 21(2): 261-289.
2014. Not all news sources are equally informative: A cross-national analysis of political knowledge in Europe International Journal of Press Politics 19(3): 275-294 (with Shanto Iyengar).
2014. La medición del conocimiento político en España: problemas y consecuencias para el caso de las diferencias de género Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas 147: 53-72 (with Monica Ferrín)
2014. Economic vote instability: Endogeneity or restricted variance? Spanish panel evidence (2008 and 2011) European Journal of Political Research 53(1): 160-179 (with Michael Lewis-Beck)
2024-2028. Unraveling gender equality resistance in Europe (GENEQ_RESIST). Financed by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación. Reference: PID2023-147429OB-I00. (181.250€ + support for a PhD student)
2021-2025. TWICEASGOOD. Twice as Hard, Half as Good? Women Candidates’ Experience of Sexism on the Campaign Trail. Reference: 101019284. Beneficiary of the project, responsible for the study of the Spanish case: design and supervision of the fieldwork and selection of constituencies (coordinator: Susan Banducci, University of Exeter)
2022-2023. GenYstereo. Scrutinizing gender stereotypes among young people: Are they still alive? Financed by La Caixa flash call FS22_1B. (29.600€)
2019-2024. Opening the black box of the gendered psyche to explain the gender gap in political engagement. Financed by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación. Reference: PID2019-107445GB-I00. (80.000€)