Julio 2015

Herreros F.

Abstract. There have been two main arguments concerning the effects of family relationships on social trust. The first claims that the intensity of the family relationship reduces the capacity of the family members to interact in the outside world, where social uncertainty prevails. The second considers that trust inside the family spills over into trust in strangers. There is a corollary to the...

Mayo 2015

Mir-Artigues P., Cerda E. & Del Rio P.

Abstract. From mid-2007 to September 2008, the Spanish PV sector experienced an investment boom, which led to a ten-fold increase in solar PV deployment. The concern of the government about the large increase in the associated support costs through a feed-in tariff led to the implementation of several cost-containment regulations. These included a cap on the ...

Chinchilla-Rodriguez Z., Arencibia-Jorge R., Moya-Anegon F. & Corera-Alvarez E.

Abstract. Cuban scientific output is analyzed for the period 2003–2011, in Scopus database. Based on a set of bibliometric indicators, we try to shed light on the evolution of the volume of scientific output in Cuban and foreign journals, and its distribution and visibility by quartiles. Also analyzed is the citation per document received, broken down by language of publication and type of...

Caparrós A., Just R.E. & Zilberman D.

Abstract. The paper derives the dynamics of pollution taxes and relative standards—which set bounds on emissions per unit of output—and the resulting optimal replacement of capital goods in a vintage model under the putty-clay assumption. Comparing policies that are constrained by the same aggregate pollution target level, the productive life of capital is longer under dynamic relative standards...

Martínez-Jauregui M., Herruzo A.C. & Campos P.


Context: Hunting transactions can be considered a composite good that includes various attributes or characteristics. Obtaining information regarding the utility derived from the different characteristics of the hunter’s bag might help elucidate the purchasing behaviour of hunters. This behaviour is, in turn, an important aspect to be...

Abril 2015

Goven J. & Pavone V.

Abstract. The bioeconomy is becoming increasingly prominent in policy and scholarly literature, but critical examination of the concept is lacking. We argue that the bioeconomy should be understood as a political project, not simply or primarily as a technoscientific or economic one. We use a conceptual framework derived from the work of Karl Polanyi to elucidate the politically performative...

Fernández-Albertos J.

Abstract. This article reviews recent contributions addressing the following questions: Under what circumstances is monetary policy delegated to politically independent central banks? What effects do these politically independent institutions have, and how do they interact with their macroeconomic institutional environment? What explains the variation in their behavior? And finally, to what...

Leydesdorff, L., Moya-Anegon, F., Guerrero-Bote, V.P.

Abstract. Using Scopus data, we construct a global map of science based on aggregated journal–journal citations from 1996–2012 (N of journals = 20,554). This base map enables users to overlay downloads from Scopus interactively. Using a single year (e.g., 2012), results can be compared with mappings based on the Journal Citation Reports at the Web of Science (N = 10,936). The...

Marzo 2015

Criado H., Herreros F., Miller L. & Úbeda P.

Abstract. This article reports the results of an online experiment conducted in two ethnically fragmented societies in Spain: the Basque Country and Catalonia. It tests the effect of co-ethnicity on trust and reciprocity. Ethnicity was manipulated in the experimental context using three ethnic attributes: ancestors' origin, language and name. Additionally, the article reports a comparison of...

Febrero 2015

Cruz-Castro L. & Sanz-Menéndez L.

Abstract. Over the last two decades, the Spanish higher education and research sector has undergone profound changes, but little is known about the implementation of recent reforms and how university actors responded to policy change and institutional pressures within a changing resource environment. Drawing on the insights from institutional and resource-dependence theory, we show how Spanish...