Febrero 2021

López-Pérez, R., Rodríguez-Moral

Abstract. Although no consensus on the issue exists yet, some evidence indicates that people are typically overprecise in their inferences. In particular, subjective confidence intervals are often too narrow when compared with Bayesian ones. This paper uses a quasi-Bayesian theory and lab experiments to explore overprecision when people learn about the empirical frequency of some random event....

Brugarolas, P., & Miller, L.

Abstract: This letter reports the results of a study that combined a unique natural experiment and a local randomization regression discontinuity approach to estimate the effect of polls on turnout intention. We found that the release of a poll increases turnout intention by 5%. This effect is robust to a number of falsification tests of predetermined covariates, placebo outcomes, and changes in...

Enero 2021

Barr, A., Miller, L and Ubeda, P. (2021)

Abstract. We present a set of studies the objective of which was to test the robustness of the acknowledgment of earned entitlement effect across different experimental modes and populations. We present three sets of results. The first is derived from a between-subject analysis of two independent, but comparable samples of nonstudent adults. One sample participated in a standard, behavioral...

Guerrero-Bote, V.P., Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Z.

Abstract. This paper presents a large-scale document-level comparison of two major bibliographic data sources: Scopus and Dimensions. The focus is on the differences in their coverage of documents at two levels of aggregation: by country and by institution. The main goal is to analyze whether Dimensions offers as good new opportunities for bibliometric analysis at the country and institutional...

Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Z., Bu, Y., Robinson-García

Abstract. Responsible indicators are crucial for research assessment and monitoring. Transparency and accuracy of indicators are required to make research assessment fair and ensure reproducibility. However, sometimes it is difficult to conduct or replicate studies based on indicators due to the lack of transparency in conceptualization and operationalization. In this paper, we review the...

Noviembre 2020

Pereira-Puga, M. and Sanz-Menéndez, L. (2020)

Resumen: El objetivo de esta nota de investigación es estudiar el diseño y evolución de los instrumentos de financiación de la investigación universitaria de un Gobierno autonómico (Xunta de Galicia) durante el periodo 2005-‍2018. Se presentan los principales factores y procesos asociados al diseño de las políticas científicas, desde una perspectiva histórica. Para ello se han analizado múltiples...

Lazareva, A. and Cruz-Martínez, G. (2020)

Extracto: Este artículo se centra en las implicaciones de un proyecto colaborativo de narración digital en la participación de los estudiantes dentro del contexto de la educación universitaria. El estudio empírico se lleva a cabo con un grupo interdisciplinario de estudiantes de licenciatura de una universidad nórdica (N=22) y una universidad en el sur de Europa (N=21), y los datos se recopilan a...

Octubre 2020

González, C., & Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Z. (2020)

Resumen. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo comparar los patrones de colaboración de la producción científica argentina de agroindustria de acuerdo con el alcance geográfico de la investigación, es decir, temas dirigidos a lectores nacionales y temas que van más allá de la frontera nacional recogida en la base de datos Scopus para el periodo 2007-2016. El comportamiento de ambos grupos se analiza y...

Perna, R. (2020).

Abstract: Although Member states have increasingly relied on welfare policies to control intra-EU migration in the last decade, they often grant additional social rights to EU citizens who do not comply with residency requirements set by EU law, revealing a gap between declared restrictive aims and actual inclusive measures. Based on document analysis and semi-structured interviews in Belgium,...

Agosto 2020

Caparrós, A., and Finus, M. (2020)

Abstract: We argue that the incentive structure of all individual and coordinated measures across countries to contain the corona-pandemic is that of a weakest-link public good game. We discuss a selection of theoretical and experimental key results of weakest-link games and interpret them in the light of the corona-pandemic. First, we highlight that experimental evidence does not support the...