Mercados, innovación y medio ambiente (MIMA-CM)
Investigadora principal: Catalina Martínez.
Duración: 2020-2023
Convocatoria: Programas de Actividades de I+D entre Grupos de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades 2019.
Entidad financiadora: Comunidad de Madrid.
Referencia: H2019/HUM-5859
MIMA-CM, which stands for Mercados, Innovación y Medio Ambiente – Comunidad de Madrid, is a joint research program to advance research related to industrial economics, innovation and the environment. With funding from the regional government of Madrid and the European Social Fund for the period 2020-2022, MIMA-CM aims to study policies to foster innovation, to make progress towards the energy transition, and to promote vigorous competition and good regulation. Coordinator and PI CSIC: Catalina Martínez. PI Cemfi: Gerard Llobet, PI UC3M: Natalia Fabra, PI UCM: Iñigo Herguera.