
Científico Titular de OPIS
Dpto. de Ciencia e Innovación
Métrica e Innovación en la Ciencia y la Tecnología (MIST)
916022351 / Extensión interna: 441480

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Con una formación universitaria en ciencias políticas y un master en política comparada, Vincenzo Pavone es doctor en ciencias políticas y sociales por el Instituto Universitario Europeo de Florencia, Italia. Su tesis doctoral estudió el impacto del humanismo científico en la creación, el desarrollo y los programas de la UNESCO. Inicialmente profesor de política comparada y relaciones internacionales en el Centro por las Artes y las Ciencias (MCAS) de Siracusa, Italia, Vincenzo Pavone se incorporó como investigador postdoctoral con contrato I3P en el IPP en 2006.

En el IPP, ha desarrollado una línea de investigación critica en el área de los estudios sociales de la ciencia y de la tecnología (CTS). Sus intereses de investigación se han enfocado sobre las implicaciones políticas y sociales de algunas tecnología emergentes, como por ejemplo las tecnologías de seguridad orientadas a la vigilancia, los transgénicos y, sobre todo, las tecnologías de reproducción asistida. Siempre centrándose en la compleja relación entre ciencia, tecnología y política, Vincenzo ha recientemente desarrollado una nueva línea de investigación sobre la relación entre neoliberalismo y las bioeconomías, con un especial interés para las bioeconomías circulares. 

Desde que se incorporó al IPP, Vincenzo ha sido investigador principal de dos proyectos del Plan Nacional de I+D+i sobre reproducción asistida y medicina regenerativa (BBE-GEN 1997-2010 and BIOARREME 2012-2015), dos proyectos financiados por la UE sobre participación publica en la ciencia y la tecnología, PSx2 sobre transgénicos (FP6, 2007-2008) y SURPRISE (FP7 2012-2015) sobre las tecnologías de seguridad orientadas a la vigilancia, y una acción COST (IS1001 2011-2014) sobre bio-objetos. Desde 2017 hasta 2021 ha sido co-Ip del Proyecto EDNA (Egg donation in Europe), en un consorcio con Reino Unido y Bélgica, financiado por el ESRC británico. Desde 2021 ha participado en dos proyectos europeos, TRESCA (Trustworthy, Reliable and Engaging Scientific Communication Approaches), y MORPHEUS (Prognosis iMprOvement of unpRovoked venous tHromboEmbolism Using perSonalized anticoagulant therapy, 2024-2029), y dos proyectos nacionales, IFGene (Imaging de Future of Genetics, 2020-2024), Mitig-ACT (Mitigar el riesgo en sociedades resilientes, 2020-2024). 

Actualmente, es miembro de “Science and Democracy Network” coordinado por la universidad de Harvard, de EASST (the European Association for the study of Science and Technology) y miembro fundador de la Red de Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y de la Tecnología (Red EsCTS). En estos años, además, ha sido investigador visitante en varias universidades, como la Universidad de Berkeley, la Universidad de York, el King's College de Londres, Maastricht University, la Universidad de Chile y la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes en Argentina. 

Desde 2019 es director del IPP. 

Estudios de ciencia ,tecnología y sociedad; Sociología médica; Economía política; Participación pública en la ciencia; Bioeconomía

Azagra-Caro, J. M. and Pavone, Vincenzo (2024). The effect of scientific impact on science communication through art from the lens of deviance theories JCOM 23(06), A02.

Tober, Diane, Vincenzo Pavone, Sara Lafuente-Funes, and Nancy Konvalinka. 2023. “ Eggonomics: Vitrification and bioeconomies of egg donation in the United States and Spain.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly 37: 248–263.

Sigrid Vertommen, Vincenzo Pavone and Michal Nahman, «Global Fertility Chains: An Integrative Political Economy Approach to Understanding the Reproductive Bioeconomy», Science, Technology and Human Values, online first, available at:

Nicky Hudson, Lorraine Culley, Vincenzo Pavone, Cathy Herbrand, Guido Pennings, Veerle Provoost, Catherine Coveney, Sara Lafuente Funes, «Reframing egg donation in Europe: new regulatory challenges for a shifting landscape, Health Policy and Technology, Volume 9, Issue 3, 2020, pages 308-313, ISSN 2211-8837,

Sara Degli Esposti, Vincenzo Pavone, “Oocyte provision as a (quasi) social market: Insights from Spain” (2019), in Social Science & Medicine, Volume 234, 2019, 112381, Online first available at:

Ball, Kirstie, Sara Degli Esposti, Sally Dibb, Vincenzo Pavone and Elvira Santiago (2019). “Institutional trustworthiness and national security governance: Evidence from six European countries.” Governance 32(1): 103-121

Pavone, Vincenzo, Kirstie Ball, Sara Degli Esposti, Sally Dibb, and Elvira Santiago-Gómez (2018), “Beyond the Security Paradox: Ten Criteria for a Socially Informed Security Policy”. Public Understanding of Science, Volume: 27 issue: 6, page(s): 638-654

Pavone, Vincenzo, Elvira Santiago Gomez, and David-Olivier Jaquet-Chifelle (2016). A Systemic Approach to Security: Beyond the Tradeoff between Security and Liberty. Democracy and Security 12, no. 4 (2016): 225-46.

Vincenzo Pavone (2015), IVF as a looking glass: Kinship, biology, technology and society through the lens of assisted reproductive technologies. BioSocieties 03/2015; 10(1). DOI:10.1057/biosoc.2014.44

Vincenzo Pavone, Lucia Martinelli (2015), Cisgenics as emerging bio-objects: Bio-objectification and bio-identification in agrobiotech innovation. New Genetics and Society 01/2015; 34(1):1-20. DOI:10.1080/14636778.2014.998816

Joanna Goven, Vincenzo Pavone (2015), The Bioeconomy as Political Project A Polanyian Analysis. Science, Technology & Human Values 04/2014; 40(3):0162243914552133. DOI:10.1177/0162243914552133

Vincenzo Pavone, Sara Lafuente (2014), Pacientes, consumidoras o ninguna de las dos: narrativas y posicionamentos de mujeres en el caso del diagnostico preimplantacional en el estado Español. Law and the human genome review = Revista de derecho y genoma humano / Chair in Law and the Human Genome, BBV Foundation-Provincial Government of Biscay, University of Deusto 01/2014; Special Issue(2014):289-300.

Gemma E. Derrick, Vincenzo Pavone (2013), Democratising research evaluation: Achieving greater public engagement with bibliometrics-informed peer review. Science and Public Policy 10/2013; 40(5):563-575. DOI:10.1093/scipol/sct007

Pieter Maeseele, Kim Hendrickx, Vincenzo Pavone, Ine Van Hoyweghen (2013), Bio-objects’ political capacity: A research agenda. Croatian Medical Journal 04/2013; 54(2):206-11. DOI:10.3325/cmj.2013.54.206

Vincenzo Pavone, Sara Degli Esposti (2012), Public assessment of new surveillance-oriented security technologies: Beyond the trade-off between privacy and security. Public Understanding of Science 07/2012; 21(5):556-572. DOI:10.1177/0963662510376886

Vincenzo Pavone, Flor Arias (2012), Beyond the Geneticization Thesis: The Political Economy of PGD/PGS in Spain. Science, Technology & Human Values 05/2012; 37(3):235-261. DOI:10.2307/41511173

Vincenzo Pavone, Joanna Goven, Riccardo Guarino (2011), From risk assessment to in-context trajectory evaluation-GMOs and their social implications. 06/2011; DOI:10.1186/2190-4715-23-3

Maria Paola Ferretti, Vincenzo Pavone (2009): What do civil society organisations expect from participation in science? Lessons from Germany and Spain on the issue of GMOs. Science and Public Policy 05/2009; 36(4):287-299. DOI:10.3152/030234209X436527

Vincenzo Pavone (2007), From Intergovernmental to Global: UNESCO’s Response to Globalization. Review of International Organizations 01/2007; 2(1):77-95. DOI:10.1007/s11558-006-9000-z



Vincenzo Pavone and Joanna Goven (eds), Bioeconomies: life, technologies and capital in the 21st century, Palgrave, October 2017, ISBN 978-3-319-55651-2.

Vincenzo Pavone: From the Labyrinth of the World to the Paradise of the Heart: Science and Humanism in UNESCO’s Approach to Globalization. First edition edited by’s-Approach-to-Globalization#, 01/2008; Lexington Books, ISBN: 9780739122624


Book Chapters

Pavone, Vincenzo. «Bio-Identification, Value Creation and the Reproductive Bioeconomy: Insights from the Reprogenetics Sector in Spain.» In Bioeconomies: Life, Technology, and Capital in the 21st Century, edited by Vincenzo Pavone and Joanna Goven, 129-59. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

Vincenzo Pavone and Sara Lafuente, “Selecting what? Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and screening in Spain” accepted as a chapter for publication in A. Wahlberg and T. Gammeloft (eds.) Selective Reproductive Technologies”. Palgrave, August 2017, ISBN 978-3-319-58220-7

Sara Degli Esposti, Elvira Santiago and Vincenzo Pavone, “Aligning Privacy and Security: the case of DPI”, pp. 71-90 in Bellanova, Rocco, J. Peter Burgess, Johann Ças, Michael Friedewald and Walter Peissl (eds.). Surveillance, Privacy and Security: Citizens’ Perspectives, Oxon: Routledge.

Lucia Martinelli, Karbarz Malgorzata., Pavone VincenzoTransgenic food: uncertainty, trust and responsibility. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Foods: Production, Safety, Regulation and Public Health., edited by Watson R.R. & Stevens B, 01/2016: chapter Transgenic food: uncertainty, trust and responsibility: pages 297–304; Academic Press, London Wall, UK, Elsevier Inc.., ISBN: 0128025301, 978-0-12-802530-7

Vincenzo Pavone, Carmen Osuna, Sara Degli Esposti: Invertir en ciencia y tecnología en tiempos de austeridad económica:¿que opinan los ciudadanos?. Percepción social de la ciencia y la tecnología 2010, 2012 edited by Lourdes Arana Uli, 10/2013: chapter 5: pages 111-135; FECYT.

Vincenzo Pavone: Genetic Testing, Geneticisation and Social Change: Insights from Genetic Experts in Spain. Assessing Life: on the organisation of genetic testing, Edited by Willem Berger and Bernhad Wieser, 07/2010: pages 104-132; Profil and Verlag., ISBN: 978-3-89019-643-5

Proyectos de investigación

MORPHEUS (Prognosis iMprOvement of unpRovoked venous tHromboEmbolism Using perSonalized anticoagulant therapy, 2024-2029) - Horizon Europe. Grant HORIZON-HLTH-2022-11-01, project led CHU Brest on behalf INNOVTE network in collaboration with 8 countries. PI en España: Mauro Turrini IPP-CSIC; Research Team Member in IPP-CSIC: Vincenzo Pavone 

IFGene (Imaging de Future of Genetics, 2020-2024).  Ministry of Science and Innovation, National Research and Development Plan 2020-2022; from 01/06/2020 to 31/12/2023. Principal Investigator: Mauro Turrini, IPP-CSIC; Research Team Member in IPP-CSIC: Vincenzo Pavone. Total Budget: 73000 euros. 

Egg donation in the UK, Belgium and Spain: an interdisciplinary study (EDNA) ESRC funded project 2017-2021. Principal Investigator: Nicky Hudson (De Monfort University, Leicester, UK), Co-Investigators: Vincenzo Pavone (Institute for Public Goods and Policies IPP, Consejo Superior Investigaciones Científicas CSIC, Spain), Guido Pennings (Ghent University, Belgium). Total Budget 450.000 pounds.

Trustworthy, Reliable and Engaging Scientific Communication Approaches (TRESCA), H2020 project from 1/01/2020 to 30/04/2022, Coordinator: Jason Pridmore, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Principal Investigator in the Institute for Public Goods and Policies (IPP), Consejo Superior Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) (Spain): Sara degli Esposti. Research Team members in IPP: Vincenzo Pavone, Francisco Herreros, Luis Miller. Total Budget IPP: 200.000 Euros. TRESCA Total Budget: 1.200.000 Euros. website:

Mitigar el riesgo en sociedades resilientes: la incorporación del conocimiento basado en la experiencia en la prevención, gestión y recuperación de desastres ambientales (MITIGACT). Ministry of Science and Innovation, National Research and Development Plan 2020-2022; from 01/06/2020 to 31/12/2023. Principal Investigator: Elvira Santiago Gómez, Universidad de A Coruña, Research Team Member in IPP-CSIC: Vincenzo Pavone.

The Bioeconomy of reproduction: the mutually constitutive interaction of assisted reproduction and regenerative medicine in Spain and UK (BIOARREME). Ministry of Science and Innovation, National Research and Development Plan, 2010-2013. October 2011- June 2015. Research Grant CSO2011-26019. Principal Investigator: Vincenzo Pavone. Total Budget: 63.000 Euros

Surveillance, privacy and security: a large scale participatory assessment of criteria and factors determining acceptability and acceptance of security technologies in Europe (SURPRISE)EU CommissionFP7 Framework Programme. February 2012 to February 2015. Research Grant No. 285492. Project Coordinator: Johann Cas; Principal Investigator in Spain: Vincenzo Pavone. Total EU Budget: 3.500.000 Euros, IPP-CSIC Budget: 330.000 Euros.

Bio-objects and their boundaries: governing matters at the intersection of society, politics, and science, COST Action IS1001, Dec. 2010 to Dec. 2014. Vincenzo Pavone was member of Working Group 3 and member of the Management Committee on behalf of Spain. Total Budget 450.000.

La Bioética mas allá de la Ética: evaluación del impacto social de las pruebas genéticas (BBE-GEN). Ministry of Education, National Research and Development Plan 2007-2010, from October 2007 to October 2010. Research Grant: SEJ07-67465. Principal Investigator: Vincenzo Pavone. Total Budget: 61.000 Euros.

Privacy enhancing shaping of security research and policy – a participatory approach to develop acceptable and accepted principles for European security industries and policies (PRISE), European Commission under the PASR Program (Preparatory Action for Security Research), from April 2007 to September 2007, research Contract between CSIC and ITA, Austria. Main researcher for the Spanish case study: Vincenzo Pavone. CSIC budget: 16.000 euros.

Participatory science and scientific participation: the role of civil society organisations in decision making about novel technologies in science (PSX2), European Commission FP6 DG Researchfrom February 2007 To July 2008Principal investigatorVincenzo Pavone, International Coordinator: Matteo Lener (Consiglio Diritti Genetici , CDG Roma, Italy). Research grant: 44594, CSIC Budget 34.000 Euros, Total Budget: 450.000.

    Datos tomados de la base de datos ConCiencia

    Pavone, V.; Gomez, E.S.; Jaquet-Chifelle, D.O. (2016). A systemic approach to security: Beyond the tradeoff between security and liberty. Democracy and Security, 12, 225-246.
    vincenzo pavone; Kirstie Ball; Sally Dibb; Sara Degli Esposti; Elvira Santiago (2018). Beyond the security paradox: Ten criteria for a socially informed security policy. Public Understanding of Science, 27, 638-654.
    Tober, D.; Pavone, V. (2018). Bioeconomies of egg provision in the United States and Spain: Comparing medical markets and implications for donor care Las bioeconomías de la provisión de óvulos en Estados Unidos y en España: Una comparación de los mercados médicos y las implicaciones en la atención a las donantes. Revista de Antropologia Social, 27, 261-286.
    Vertommen, S.; Pavone, V.; Nahman, M. (2022). Global Fertility Chains: An Integrative Political Economy Approach to Understanding the Reproductive Bioeconomy. Science Technology and Human Values, 47, 112-145.
    Kirstie Ball; Sara Degli Esposti; Sally Dibb; Vincenzo Pavone; Elvira Santiago¿Gomez (2019). Institutional trustworthiness and national security governance: Evidence from six European countries. Governance, 32, 103-121.
    vincenzo pavone (2017). Bio-identification, value creation and the reproductive bioeconomy: insights from the reprogenetics sector in Spain. En Bioeconomies: life, technology and capital in the 21st century (pp. 129-159). Editorial: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Mario Díaz; Ana Romero de Pablos; Antonio Chica; José Carlos Conesa; Juan Manuel Coronado; José Antonio Donázar; Javier Dufour; Xavier Jordà; Marisol Martín; Almudena Orejas; Inés Sastre; Javier Sánchez Palencia; Vincenzo Pavone; Pa (2021). CHALLENGE 9: SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF THE ENERGY TRANSITION. En White Paper 8: Clean, Safe And Efficient Energy (pp. 237-255). Editorial: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).
    vincenzo pavone; sara lafuente (2018). Selecting What? Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis and Screening Trajectories in Spain. En Selective Reproduction in the 21st Century (pp. 123-148). Editorial: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Lucia Martinelli; Malgorzata Karbatz; Vincenzo Pavone (2016). Transgenic Food: Uncertainty, Trust, and Responsibility. En Genetically Modified Organisms in Food, Production, Safety, Regulation and Public Health (pp. 297-304). Editorial: Elsevier.
    Vincenzo Pavone; Joanna Goven (2017). Bioeconomies (pp. 355). Palgrave Macmillan.