Documentos de trabajo
Eloísa del Pino
La gran variedad de cambios detectados en los últimos años en el Estado de Bienestar (EB) sugiere que es difícil encontrar una definición universal de reforma. Estos complejos cambios: 1) invitan a cuestionar las nociones de continuidad institucional o de ajuste simple que se había manejado hasta ahora; 2) aconsejan evitar la identificación del concepto de reforma... Seguir leyendo
Pilar Rico-Castro
The aim of this paper is to show how the regional technology policy of the Basque Country has had a strong effect on mapping out the population of R&D organisations, through changing the environmental conditions of previously existing research organisations as well as creating new organisational actors. This research seeks to contribute the debates on the growing importance of Regional... Seguir leyendo
Luis Sanz Menéndez & Laura Cruz Castro
There is simultaneous trend of regionalisation and decentralization in Europe, a trend that has also affected the science and technology policy domain, with an open debate on the functioning of the multilevel governance system. Regional authorities have become directly involved in the design and implementation of regional S&T policies, however the interventions... Seguir leyendo
Alessandro Gentile
La flexibilidad fragmenta el trabajo y lo vuelve precario, individualiza la relación salarial, desestructura el conjunto de certezas (en la forma de recursos, tutelas y derechos) que antes garantizaban la inclusión social del ciudadano-trabajador. Aunque el trabajo siga jugando un papel fundamental en la existencia de cada uno, sin embargo la alteración de sus... Seguir leyendo
Luis Moreno
Europeanization can be regarded as a process that finds expression in the gradual redefinition of state sovereignty and the development of supranational common institutions (e.g. Agreement of Schengen, Court of Justice, Euro currency). In parallel, territorial subsidiarity seeks to provide for a greater sub-state say in areas of social policy-making often linked to cultural or identity... Seguir leyendo
Laura Cruz-Castro & Luis Sanz-Menéndez
Labour markets for research are changing and the traditional segmentation model of the research labour market where the doctorate was mainly valuable in the academic sector is loosing ground. The paper studies a sample of PhDs and their corresponding employing firms to analyse patterns of mobility, economic returns, and innovation outputs. Qualitative and... Seguir leyendo
Francisco Javier Moreno Fuentes
The underground economy represents a significant percentage of the Spanish economy, and the employment of undocumented migrants constitutes a large share of its supply of labour. This fact has functioned as an important pulling effect for the arrival of migrants into Spain over the last two decades, but especially during the last five years. Within their general... Seguir leyendo
Luis Moreno & Nicola McEwen
Francisco Herreros
In modern political science, repeated elections are considered as the main mechanism of electoral accountability in democracies. More rarely, elections are considered as ways to select “good types” of politicians. In this article it is argued that historical republican authors interpreted elections in this last sense. They view elections as a means to select what... Seguir leyendo
Eloísa del Pino
En los últimos años parece que las presiones para la reforma del Estado de Bienestar están siendo más insistentes que una opinión pública hasta ahora opuesta a cualquier tipo de recorte de los programas sociales. Algunos estudios sugieren que los gobiernos parecen haber aprendido como esquivar la resistencia de los ciudadanos a las reformas aprovechando un... Seguir leyendo