Documentos de trabajo

Simulated Exchange Value Method: Applying Green National Accounting to Forest Public Recreation
Referencia: Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP) CSIC, Working Paper. 2010-16 Autores:

Jose L. Oviedo, Pablo Campos & Alejandro Caparrós

While applied national accounts are based on market costs and outputs, non-market valuation techniques yield estimates for consumer or Hicksian surplus. To integrate non-market values in national accounts we propose the Simulated Exchange Value method, which simulates the whole market (demand and cost functions) to obtain exchange values. We focus on forest public recreational services because... Seguir leyendo

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Sistemas de patentes para fomentar la innovación: Lecciones de análisis económico
Referencia: Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP) CSIC, Working Paper. 2010-15 Autores:

David Encaoua, Dominique Guellec & Catalina Martínez

La teoría económica, al considerar que las patentes son instrumentos de política pública para fomentar la innovación y la difusión de la tecnología, conduce principalmente a tres conclusiones. En primer lugar, las patentes no tienen por qué ser siempre el medio de protección más eficaz para que los inventores recuperen sus inversiones en I+D, sobre todo cuando la imitación es costosa y ser el... Seguir leyendo

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The internationalisation of public sector research through international joint laboratories
Referencia: Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP) CSIC, Working Paper. 2010-14 Autores:

Koen Jonkers & Laura Cruz Castro


This paper analyses the emergence of public sector international joint laboratories as an increasingly important new phenomenon in the internationalisation of public sector research. Using a survey and interview-based qualitative methodology, it explores the trends in the establishment of such labs, the aims for which they are... Seguir leyendo

csic-ipp-wp-2010-14_jonkers_cruz.pdf116.01 KB
Indicadores bibliométricos de España en el mundo 2008
Referencia: Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP) CSIC, Working Paper. 2010-13 Autores:

Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Elena Corera-Álvarez, Félix De Moya-Anegón & Luis Sanz-Menéndez

El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar los resultados de investigación atribuidos a España en las bases de datos internacionales hasta 2008. Se compara la evolución entre los totales de publicaciones recogidas en la WoS y en Scopus, y se posiciona a España con relación a otros países; también se analizan algunos aspectos relativos a su especialización temática, visibilidad relativa de los... Seguir leyendo

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Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing in Spain: beyond the geneticization thesis
Referencia: Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP) CSIC, Working Paper. 2010-12 Autores:

Vincenzo Pavone & Flor Arias

In the last decade, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and screening (PGD; PGS) have become widely used in IVF treatments: in 2005 nearly 6000 PGD/PGS (5 per cent of all IVF cycles) had been performed in Europe. The diffusion of these technologies, however, is not homogenous; whilst in some countries PGD is prohibited and in others is hardly implemented, Spain performs 33 per cent of all the... Seguir leyendo

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From risk assessment to in-context trajectory evaluation. GMOs and their social implications
Referencia: Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP) CSIC, Working Paper. 2010-11 Autores:

Vincenzo Pavone, Joanna Goven & Riccardo Guarino

Purpose: Over the past twenty years, GMOs have raised enormous expectations, passionate political controversies, and an on-going debate on how should these technologies be assessed. Current risk-assessment procedures generally assess GMOs in terms of their potential risk of negatively affecting human health and the environment. Yet, is this risk-benefit approach appropriate to a deliver a... Seguir leyendo

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Knocking down some Assumptions about the Effects of Evaluation Systems on Publications
Referencia: Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP) CSIC, Working Paper. 2010-10 Autores:

Carmen Osuna, Laura Cruz Castro & Luis Sanz Menéndez

In 1989 the Spanish Government established an individual retrospective research evaluation system (RES) for public researchers. This system was voluntary but involved the incentive of a permanent salary bonus. Policy makers have associated the establishment of this evaluation system with the signifi cant increase in the volume of scientifi c publications attributed... Seguir leyendo

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Convergencia y diversidad en los centros de I+D
Referencia: Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP) CSIC, Working Paper. 2010-09 Autores:

Catalina Martínez, Laura Cruz Castro & Luis Sanz Menéndez

El trabajo aborda el estudio de los procesos de adaptación de los centros de investigación a los cambios en su entorno, que resultan de las nuevas políticas de I+D de los gobiernos, así como de la emergencia de nuevos tipos de centros de investigación que se reconocen como legítimos. Partiendo de datos cuantitativos sobre fuentes de financiación e información... Seguir leyendo

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Negotiating the past: Claims for recognitionand policies of memory in the EU
Referencia: Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP) CSIC, Working Paper. 2010-08 Autores:

Carlos Closa

During the last years, several subjects have advanced claims for developing within the EU specific elements of what is often referred to as policies of memory. Whilst this trend could be perceived as one more instance of transference of domestic issues to the EU level, the distinctive trait of these claims is that claims on memory are associated both to justice and identity and, hence, they... Seguir leyendo

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National and Subnational Democracy in Spain: History, Models and Challenges
Referencia: Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP) CSIC, Working Paper. 2010-07 Autores:

Eloísa del Pino & César Colino

Democracy in Spain is embedded in a typical configuration of institutional elements characteristic of the Spanish state organization and culture that have been determined by its particular political history, but are comparable to other European states. However, it is not easy to categorize Spain clearly into a single state tradition model. Recent transformations have meant a complete... Seguir leyendo

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