Conferencia: "An analysis of the publication behaviour of Marie Sklodowska Curie fellows"

Vie, 12-01-2018; 00:00
Otras sedes

Por Koen Jonkers

Lugar: Fedea, c/ Jorge Juan 46, Madrid

Organiza: FEDEA e IPP-CSIC.

Asistencia: Si está interesado en asistir, puede confirmar su asistencia a Leticia Moreno (lmoreno [at]; tfno. 91 435 90 20)

An analysis of the publication behaviour of Marie Sklodowska Curie fellows

Koen Jonkers, Peter Fako, Thomas Zacharewicz, Ulf Sandstrom, Peter v.d. Besselaar

The Marie Sklodowska Curie Action (MSCA) fellowship scheme is part of the European framework programmes. It aims to promote scientific excellence, mobility and research collaboration in the European Research Area. It also aims to widen capacity development throughout the EU in Member States with different levels of scientific development. This report analyses the mobility, publication and international co-publication behaviour of a group of European researchers that have taken part in the MSCA Fellowship schemes. It compares researchers from two groups of countries before and after being granted the fellowship. The first group of countries (FPIC) is relatively successful in attracting FP funding, has a relatively high average impact and is on balance a greater recipient than sender of MSCA fellows. The second group of countries (ESIFIC) presents a lower Framework Programme funding intensity but the Funding intensity of the European Structural and Investment funds is higher. This group of countries sends out more MSCA fellows than it hosts. Roughly ESIFIC corresponds with Central Eastern and Southern European Countries, whereas FPIC corresponds to North Western European countries. The analysis finds that successful applicants from the ESIFIC countries perform significantly below the applicants from FPIC countries at the time of selection on the impact of their research, measured as the sum of the citation impact of their publications per year. Post grant publication performance is correlated especially to pre-grant performance. In terms of international co-publication behaviour one observes a general increase across the board. Post grant international co-publication behaviour is most strongly associated with pre-grant international co-publications. It is thus the "internationally well connected" researchers who continue being the most active collaborators also after the grant. The potential for robust evaluations, either in the form of counterfactual analyses or randomised controlled experiments should be taken into account at the planning and implementation phase of the Framework Programmes.

Dpto. de Ciencia e Innovación
Sistemas y Políticas de Investigación e Innovación (SPRI)