Seminario IPP: "Remittances and Protest Against Crime in Mexico”
Por Covadonga Meseguer (LSE & ICADE)
Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D
Organiza: Francisco Herrerros (IPP-CSIC)
Resumen: The resource mobilization theory has long emphasized the role of resources in facilitating collective mobilization. In turn, recent research on mobilization against crime and insecurity in Mexico has drawn attention to the role of local networks of solidarity in facilitating mobilization against crime. We rely on these two literatures to propose that remittances – that is, the resources that emigrant relatives send to their relatives left behind – deserve attention as international determinants of this type of non-violent anti-crime mobilization. Further, relying on recent research on the impact of remittances on political behaviour, we hypothesize that the relationship between remittances and contentious action is non-linear, exhibiting a positive effect at low to moderate levels of inflows, and increasing at a declinin g rate at higher levels of remittances. We contend that at low to moderate levels, international remittances provide the necessary resources for collective activation. At greater levels of inflows, however, lessened economic and security grievances imply a decline in the probability of protesting. Overall, we show that emigrant remittances do matter for organising protests against criminality at the subnational level, but that they produce both an engagement and disengagement effect depending on the size of the inflows.