Seminarios del IPP "Logics of Armed Mobilization"
Evento online a través de Zoom (enlace - ID de reunión: 963 4877 6157 - Código de acceso: 920760(
Por Andrea Ruggieri (Universidad de Oxford)
Abstract: Who does mobilize in armed conflict? And why? Even though the literature disagrees on the “who” and the “why”, available contributions usually tend to assume that actors’ features, motivations and logics of mobilization are homogenous across individuals and phases of conflict. We aim to relax the assumption that actors are all the same, defining different types of actors. In this paper we introduce three different ideal types of mobilized individuals – first movers, early joiners and late joiners – and we elaborate theoretical mechanisms highlighting how different ideational and material factors are at play for different ideal types. We show the relevance of our actors’ types and the relative mechanisms using a mix-methods approach. We use a survival analysis based on individual data members of the resistance who fought against the Nazi-fascist forces in Italy between 1943-1945 (N »150,000), preliminary findings show that we can identify clearly different types of rebels who join at different phases the armed mobilization according to individual features.
Andrea Ruggeri is Professor of Political Science and International Relations and Director of the Centre for International Studies at the University of Oxford. He joined Brasenose College and the Department of Politics and International Relations in 2014. Previously, he was Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Amsterdam from 2010. He holds a PhD in Government (Essex, 2011), an MA International Relations (Essex, 2006) and a BA in Diplomatic and International Sciences (Genova, 2005). He has been visiting professor at the University of Genova, Bocconi University, and University of Milano Statale.
Organiza: Francisco Herreros (IPPS-CSIC)