Workshop "Sustainable Economic Instruments for the Management of forest and marine Ecosystems"
Jue, 06-06-2013; 00:00 hasta Vie, 07-06-2013; 00:00
Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D
Workshop PICS - Projet International de Coopération Scientifique (CNRS)
June 6th.
-14:45. Introduction
-15:00. Spatial green accounting for terrestrial ecosystems: from theory to practice, Alejandro Caparrós (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)
-15:30. Seeing the forest for its water, Marc Leandri (GREThA)
-16:00. A theoretical framework for green accounting in the land-use sector, Itziar Ruiz de Gauna (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)
-16:30. Coffee Break
-17:00. Critical natural capital, ecological resilience and sustainable management of wetlands: a french case study, Sylvie Ferrari (GREThA)
17:30. “Comparing contingent valuation and choice modeling using field and eye-tracking lab data”, por: José L. Oviedo (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)
June 7th.
-9:00. Private and public agroforestry accounts in a group of agroforestry farms in Andalusia, Paola Ovando Pol (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)
-9:30. Optimum Allocation of Wetlands: Conflict between Agriculture and Fishery”, Natacha Laskowski (GREThA)
-10:00. Coffee Break
-10:30. Random catchability, TAC and discards, Sébastien Rouillon (GREThA)
-11:00. Bio-economic modelling of renewable resources and biodiversity: some case studies, Jean-Christophe Péreau (GREThA)
-11:30. Climate Treaties and Breakthrough Technologies in a Dynamic Framework, Raul López (Universidad Complutense Madrid)
-12:00. Closing Discussion
-9:00. Private and public agroforestry accounts in a group of agroforestry farms in Andalusia, Paola Ovando Pol (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)
-9:30. Optimum Allocation of Wetlands: Conflict between Agriculture and Fishery”, Natacha Laskowski (GREThA)
-10:00. Coffee Break
-10:30. Random catchability, TAC and discards, Sébastien Rouillon (GREThA)
-11:00. Bio-economic modelling of renewable resources and biodiversity: some case studies, Jean-Christophe Péreau (GREThA)
-11:30. Climate Treaties and Breakthrough Technologies in a Dynamic Framework, Raul López (Universidad Complutense Madrid)
-12:00. Closing Discussion

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