Este proyecto pretende abordar una cuestión poco tratada en el estudio de las instituciones participativas: ¿existe alguna relación entre la ideología de los partidos gobernantes y los mecanismos participativos que ponen en marcha?

The EuComMeet project explores under which conditions deliberation and representation can be an effective “response to the challenges besetting liberal representative democracies.”.

PHOENIX: the rise of citizens voices for a greener Europe

Climate change is today’s most urgent geopolitical challenge for Europe, and the entire world. It is an unprecedented challenge, one in which different territories, social groups, stakeholders will have to coordinate to a scale never seen before.

The use of individual genomic risk factors to predict the onset of common diseases is one of the main promises of personalized medicine.

The InDeComply project examines why the EU's enforcement measures in relation to the rule of law have so far failed to bring offending states into compliance.

Autonomy vs dependency of scientific collaboration in research performance of nations

This project will explore the capacity of countries/institutions in the generation of scientific knowledge and its visibility at the global level, especially to what extent the main producers of scientific output depend on collaboration to heighten research performance

Building ties across countries: Scientific collaboration and mobility in global scientific relationships

This project aims to better understand collaboration and international mobility dynamics, factors and effects. This can help to better allocate resources by optimizing collaborative ties and enhancing national mobility strategies.