Associated Laboratory in Linkages between Innovation and Environmental Sustainability (ALLIES)
Investigadora principal y Coordinadora: Catalina Martínez.
Duración: 2019-2022
Convocatoria: CNRS International Associated Laboratories (LIA) 2018 / International Research Programme (IRP).
Entidad financiadora: CNRS & CSIC.
Referencia: LIA2019FR1
The objective of ALLIES is to analyse issues related to the provision and protection of innovative knowledge and environmental resources at a global scale, taking into account their public good nature, and to study the incentives and strategies of the different parties and economic agents involved: countries, public research organisations, firms, researchers and society as a whole. The IRP-ALLIES is an international research collaboration programme funded competitively by CNRS (in the framework of the IRP competitive calls of CNRS) and CSIC (with reference LIA2019FR1) for the period 2020-2023, following a preconfiguration year in 2019.
Coordinators: Jean-Christophe Péreau (Bordeaux School of Economics) & Catalina Martínez (IPP-CSIC).