Chinchilla-Rodríguez Z., Vargas-Quesada B., Hassan-Montero Y., González-Molina A. & Moya-Anegón F. (2010) New Approach to the Visualization of International Scientific Collaboration. Information Visualization 9(4): 277-287

Chinchilla-Rodríguez Z., Vargas-Quesada B., Hassan-Montero Y., González-Molina A. & Moya-Anegón F.

Abstract. In this study, visual representations are created in order to analyze different aspects of scientific collaboration at the international level. The main objective is to identify the international facet of research by following the flow of knowledge as expressed by the number of scientific publications, and then establishes the main geographical axes of output, showing the interrelationships of the domain, the intensity of these relations, and how the different types of collaboration are reflected in terms of visibility.

Tarancón M.T., Del Río P. & Callejas F. (2011) Determining the responsibility of manufacturing sectors regarding electricity consumption. The Spanish case. Energy 36(1): 46-52

Tarancón M.T., Del Río P. & Callejas F.

Abstract. The aim of this paper is to develop a methodology based on the input–output approach which allows us to identify the structural and technological responsibility of manufacturing sectors in electricity consumption. Sectors with a high structural responsibility are those whose products are strongly demanded by other sectors and this leads to a high electricity consumption/production.

Fernández-Albertos J. & Lapuente V. (2011) Doomed to disagree? Party-voter discipline and policy gridlock under divided government. Party Politics 17(6): 801-822

Fernández-Albertos J. & Lapuente V.

Abstract. This article explains the existence of policy gridlock in systems with divided government, even when there are policies that are universally preferred to the status quo. It is shown analytically that one dimension of party institutionalization (the degree of party-voter discipline) may create incentives for veto players to block policies that, ideologically, they might like.

Osuna C., Cruz-Castro L. & Sanz-Menendez L. (2011) Overturning some assumptions about the effects of evaluation systems on publication performance. Scientometrics 86(3): 575-592

Osuna C., Cruz-Castro L. & Sanz-Menendez L.

Abstract. In 1989 the Spanish Government established an individual retrospective research evaluation system (RES) for public researchers. Policy makers have associated the establishment of this evaluation system with the significant increase in the volume of scientific publications attributed to Spain over the last decades. In a similar vein to the analyses of other country cases, some scholars have also claimed that the growth of Spain’s international scientific publications is a result of the establishment of the new evaluation system.

Alcántara V., Del Rio P., Hernández F. (2010) Structural analysis of electricity consumption by productive sectors. The Spanish case. Energy 35(5): 2088-2098

Alcántara V., Del Rio P., Hernández F.

Abstract. The aim of this paper is to identify those sectors that contribute most to electricity consumption in Spain, using a methodology based on input–output tables, and to derive some recommendations aimed at increasing energy efficiency in those sectors. This input–output approach is complemented with a sector-focused study in which the availability of electricity-efficient technologies per sector and the barriers to their uptake are identified. This hybrid approach is deemed useful to derive policy implications.

Carrillo-Hermosilla J., Del Rio P. & Könnölä, T. (2010) Diversity of eco-innovations: Reflections from selected case studies. Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (10-11): 1073-1083

Carrillo-Hermosilla J., Del Rio P. & Könnölä, T.

Abstract. An analytical framework is developed in this paper in order to explore the diversity of eco-innovations according to several key dimensions (design, user, product service and governance). The framework is used to analyse a set of case studies of eco-innnovation processes. The diversity of the analysed eco-innovations appears to be considerable; each of them involves different kinds of combinations of elements pertaining to those dimensions.

Romero-Jordan D., Del Rio P., Jorge-Garcia M. & Burguillo M. (2010) Price and income elasticities of demand for passenger transport fuels in Spain. Implications for public policies. Energy Policy 38(8): 3898-3909

Romero-Jordan D., Del Rio P., Jorge-Garcia M. & Burguillo M.

Abstract. The significant increase in passenger transport activity (cars) experienced by Spain and its associated increase in energy consumption have several associated negative aspects, including a greater dependence on foreign energy sources and higher GHG emissions. Therefore, reducing the level of transport activity would bring important socioeconomic and environmental benefits.

Bornmann L., Moya-Anegón F. & Leydesdorff L. (2010) Do Scientific Advancements Lean on the Shoulders of Giants? A Bibliometric Investigation of the Ortega Hypothesis. PLoS One 5(10): e13327

Bornmann L., Moya-Anegón F. & Leydesdorff L.

In contrast to Newton's well-known aphorism that he had been able “to see further only by standing on the shoulders of giants,” one attributes to the Spanish philosopher Ortega y Gasset the hypothesis saying that top-level research cannot be successful without a mass of medium researchers on which the top rests comparable to an iceberg.

Derrick G.E., Haynes A., Chapman S. & Hall W.D. (2011) The Association between Four Citation Metrics and Peer Rankings of Research Influence of Australian Researchers in Six Fields of Public Health. PLoS ONE 6(4): e18521

Derrick G.E., Haynes A., Chapman S. & Hall W.D.

Abstract. Doubt about the relevance, appropriateness and transparency of peer review has promoted the use of citation metrics as a viable adjunct or alternative in the assessment of research impact. It is also commonly acknowledged that research metrics will not replace peer review unless they are shown to correspond with the assessment of peers. This paper evaluates the relationship between researchers' influence as evaluated by their peers and various citation metrics representing different aspects of research output in 6 fields of public health in Australia.

Aguillo I.F., Ortega J.L., Fernández M. & Utrilla A.M. (2010) Indicators for a webometric ranking of open access repositories. Scientometrics 82(3): 477-486

Aguillo I.F., Ortega J.L., Fernández M. & Utrilla A.M.

Abstract. The Ranking Web of World Repositories ( is introduced. The objective is to promote Open access initiatives (OAI) supporting the use of repositories for scientific evaluation purposes. A set of metrics based on web presence, impact and usage is discussed. The Ranking is built on indicators obtained from web search engines following a model close to the Impact Factor one.