Vargas-Quesada, B., Arroyo-Machado, W., Muñoz-Écija, T., & Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Z. (2023). Science overlay maps: A tribute to Loet Leydesdorff. Profesional De La información, 32(7).

El Profesional de la Información

This is a homage to Loet Leydesdorff, teacher and scientific reference. Through the combination of overlay maps, a visualization technique proposed by himself and Ismael Ràfols, in combination with the CAMEOs (Characterizations Automatically Made and Edited Online) proposed by Howard White, we project his scientific trajectory in five different scenarios, which turn out to be complementary.

de Souza Vanz, S. A., Gracio, M. C. C., de Oliveira, S .C. et al. (2023). Collaboration strategies and corresponding authorship in Agronomy research of Brazilian academic and non-academic institutions. Scientometrics 128, 6403–6426.

Collaboration strategies and corresponding authorship in Agronomy research of Brazilian academic and non-academic institutions. Scientometrics 128, 6403–6426.

Agricultural Sciences have become one of Brazil’s most efficient and sustainable research areas, where most publications benefit from scientific collaboration. The present study analyzes the influence of the designation as the corresponding author to researchers linked to Brazilian institutions on the impact of co-authored articles in the category Agronomy from the Web of Science for five-year periods from 2005 to 2019. We have observed a noticeable growth in the number of documents in collaboration between the five-year periods.

Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Z., Gónzalez, CM., & Miguel, s. (2024). Towards a new approach to analyzing the geographical scope of national research. An exploratory analysis at the country level. Scientometrics

Towards a new approach to analyzing the geographical scope of national research. An exploratory analysis at the country level. Scientometrics

This study aims to identify and compare the national scope of research at the country level, dealing with two groups of countries: Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and a group of countries at the forefront in developing mainstream science (WORLD). We wish to explore whether similar or different patterns arise between the two groups at the global and disciplinary level, becoming apparent in their proportion of research related to local perspectives or topics. It is found that Latin America and the Caribbean countries present a greater proportion of local production.

Chen, C., Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Z., Zhang, Y., Daniel, B., Kajikawa, Y., & Wolfram, D. (2024) An overview of Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 9:1420385.

Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics

Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics (FRMA) was launched in 2016 as an open-access journal to provide a forum for learning, evaluating, and improving research and scholarship in a wide range of disciplines. FRMA aims to provide a stimulating and inspirational forum not only for scholars devoted to advancing theories and instruments of how research should be done and how it can be done efficiently but also for researchers to apply and integrate available conceptual frameworks and enabling technologies in their own practice of research.

Mié, 13-11-2024; 10:00 hasta Mié, 13-11-2024; 12:45
Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales en Suanzes. Visita guiada al CCHS"
Sala Menéndez Pidal 0E18 Dirigido a público en general Aforo: 20 personas
Vie, 05/07/24

La candidata del partido ultra se impuso en la primera vuelta con el 40% de los votos en esta circunscripción al noreste de París que solía ser territorio de la derecha tradicional. Este domingo se medirá en un duelo con el Nuevo Frente Popular de izquierdas.

Información sobre las recientes elecciones en Francia que incluye declaraciones como experta de Laura Morales (IPP-CSIC)

Medio digital

Perna, R. & Puig-Batalla, M. (2024). Immigrant regularisation politics during COVID-19: advocacy coalitions and governments’ incentives in Italy and Spain. South European Society and Politics

Immigrant regularisation politics during COVID-19: advocacy coalitions and governments’ incentives in Italy and Spain. South European Society and Politics

Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic brought the issue of immigrant irregularity to the public fore, exposing undocumented migrants’ vulnerabilities and the reliance of supply chains on their ‘essential work’. While pro-regularisation instances emerged in several countries, governments responded differently to them. Delving into the political determinants of immigrant regularisation programmes, the article compares the cases of Italy and Spain, traditionally considered as ‘hallmarks’ of the ‘Southern European immigration model’.

Mié, 10/07/24
Piedras de papel. El

Artículo de Luis Miller, investigador del Instituto de Políticas Públicas (IPP-CSIC).

Medio digital