Mié, 23-11-2022; 00:00
Seminarios del IPP: “Populist Radical Right-Wing Parties and the Assault on Political Correctness: The Impact of Vox in Spain”

CCHS. Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Por Carol Galais (Department of Political Science, UAB)

Organiza: IPP-CSIC

Coordina: Marta Fraile (IPP-CSIC)

Mié, 28-09-2022; 00:00
Seminarios del IPP: "Income, meritocracy, and redistributive preferences: evidence from cross-national surveys and a large online experiment"

Sala María Zambrano 0C9

Por Irene Pañeda Fernández (the Migration, Integration, Transnation-alization research unit at the Berlin Social Science Center- WZB)

Organiza: IPP-CSIC

Coordina: Marta Fraile (IPP-CSIC)

Mié, 26-10-2022; 00:00
Seminarios del IPP: "Does gender parity foster collaboration? Trends in gender homophily in scientific publications, 1980-2019"

CCHS. Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Por Marga Torre (Associate Professor of Sociology in the Department of Social Sciences at the University Carlos III of Madrid)

Organiza: IPP-CSIC

Coordina: Marta Fraile (IPP-CSIC)

Mié, 30-11-2022; 00:00
Seminarios del IPP: “Including Donors in the Provision of Public Goods”

Sala María Zambrano 0C9

Por Esther Blanco (University of Innsbruck and The Ostrom Workshop)

Organiza: IPP-CSIC

Coordina: Marta Fraile (IPP-CSIC)

Mié, 21-09-2022; 00:00
Seminarios del IPP: "Invisible Researchers in the Knowledge Society - The Uberisation of Scientific Work"

Sala María Zambrano 0C9

Por Sara Diogo (Dep. of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences at the University of Aveiro, Portugal)

Organiza: IPP-CSIC

Coordina: Marta Fraile (IPP-CSIC)

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Koronka, J., Ovando, P., Vergunts, J., 2022. Understanding values beyond carbon in the Woodland Carbon Code in Scotland. Trees, Forest and People 9, 100320

Koronka, J

Abstract. Many governments and organisations are encouraging carbon dioxide capture in woodlands through the creation of markets that commodify forest carbon. These schemes can connect different values in local landscapes and global environmental responses to climate change, which go beyond increasing the cost-effectiveness of carbon offsetting. In this paper we use the UK Woodland Carbon Code (WCC) to explore the values and meanings brought to the WCC by landowners, forest developers and carbon buyers, with a focus on Scotland.

Asociación Española de Ciencia Política y de la Administración (AECPA)

Revistas científicas del CSIC. Edición electrónica

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades