López-Pérez, R., Pintér, A, & Sánchez-Mangas, R. (2022). Some conditions (not) affecting selection neglect: Evidence from the lab. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 195, 140-157

López-Pérez, R., Pintér, A, & Sánchez-Mangas

Abstract: People often extrapolate from data samples, inferring properties of the population like the rate of some event, class, or group ‒e.g., the percent of female scientists, the crime rate, the chances to suffer some illness. In many circumstances, though, the sample observed is non-random, i.e., is affected by sampling bias. For instance, news media rarely display (intentionally or not) a balanced view of the state of the world, focusing particularly on dramatic and rare events.

Atkinson, G., & Ovando, P. (2021). Distributional Issues in Natural Capital Accounting: An Application to Land Ownership and Ecosystem Services in Scotland. Environmental and Resource Economics

Atkinson, G., & Ovando, P.

Abstract. Accounting for ecosystems is increasingly central to natural capital accounting. What is missing from this, however, is an answer to questions about how natural capital is distributed. That is, who consumes ecosystem services and who owns or manages the underlying asset(s) that give rise to ecosystem services. In this paper, we examine the significance of the ownership of land on which ecosystem assets (or ecosystem types) is located in the context of natural capital accounting.

Valatin, G., Ovando, P, Abildtup, J., et al. (2022). Approaches to cost-effectiveness of payments for tree planting and forest management for water quality services. Ecosystem Services

Valatin, G., Ovando, P, Abildtup

Abstract. The evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of Payments for ecosystem services (PES) in fostering positive environmental outcomes has been central to the scientific debate on their implementation. PES cost-effectiveness can be affected by a myriad of environmental, institutional and socio-economic factors operating at different spatial and temporal scales. Moreover, it can be affected by synergies and trade-offs in the provision of ecosystem services (ES). Planting trees is increasingly considered an effective measure to provide water-related ES.

Mié, 01-12-2021; 00:00
Seminarios del IPP: "Migrant integration in the Global South: the educational achievement of the second generations in Argentina"

Por Carolina Zucotti (Universidad Carlos III)

Sala María Zambrano 0C9 y online a través de Zoom (enlace ID de reunión: 871 5322 7288 - código de acceso: 416827)

Organiza: Francisco Herreros (IPP-CSIC)

Holl, A., & Mariotti, I. (2021). An empirical study of drivers for the adoption of logistics innovation. Industry and Innovation, forthcoming

Holl, A., & Mariotti, I

Abstract: By drawing on a large representative sample of German firms, we examine patterns and drivers of logistics innovation. We find that firm size, R&D intensity, product innovation, engagement in international markets, and competitive pressure are all positively related to the probability that a firm introduces logistics innovation and to the breadth of adoption across different types of logistics innovation. However, specific notable differences arise: digital logistics innovation is mainly adopted by larger firms and in response to cost and performance motives.

Lun, 15-11-2021; 00:00
Seminarios del IPP: “The Cost of Copyright: Comparative Empirical Findings”

Por Paul J Heald (Hanken-Fullbright Distinguished Chair Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki)

Sala María Zambrano 0C9 y online a través de Zoom (enlace - ID de reunión: 846 2442 2376- Código de acceso: 284524)

Organiza: Francisco Herreros (IPP-CSIC)

Jue, 28-10-2021; 00:00
Constituting the Global Bioeconomy: constructing global goods in the U.S. and Brazil

Por Tess Doezema (Technical University of Munich)

Sala María Zambrano 0C9

Organiza: Francisco Herreros (IPP-CSIC)

Mié, 03-11-2021; 00:00
Seminarios del IPP: “Twice as Hard, Half as Good? Women Candidates’ Experience of Sexism on the Campaign Trail”

Por Susan Banducci (Universidad de Exeter)

Aula de cursos 1C28

Organiza: Francisco Herreros (IPP-CSIC)