Editorial CSIC

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)

Baggio-Compagnucci, A., Ovando, P., Hewitt, R.J., Canullo, R., & Gimona, A. (2022). Barking up the wrong tree? Can forest expansion help meet climate goals? Environmental Science & Policy

Baggio-Compagnucci, A., Ovando

Abstract. Forest expansion can make an important contribution to the 2015 Paris Agreement, through offsetting Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. EU, UK and Scottish forest policy encourages substantial forest expansion. Unfortunately, policy is still inadequately informed by high resolution data, and often assumes a fairly homogenous landscape, uniformly suitable soil types and idealised ‘average’ tree timber yields, while carbon emissions caused by soil disturbance during planting, and changes in climate are rarely adequately considered.

Gou, Z., Meng, F., Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Z. & Bu, Y. (2022). Encoding the citation life-cycle: the operationalization of a literature-aging conceptual model. Scientometrics

Gou, Z., Meng, F.,

Abstract. In this study, we introduce a new literature-aging conceptual model to study the citation curve and discuss its implications. First, we improve the conceptual model by adding a period to describe the “death” of citations. Second, we offer a feasible operationalization for this conceptual model and implement a set of cross-discipline publications in the Web of Science to test its performance. Furthermore, we propose two measurements according to the new model—“Sleeping Period” and “Recognition Period”—to capture publications’ citation curve patterns.

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