Caparrós A., Just R.E. & Zilberman D. (2015) Dynamic relative standards versus emission taxes in a putty-clay model. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 2(2): 277-308

Caparrós A., Just R.E. & Zilberman D.

Abstract. The paper derives the dynamics of pollution taxes and relative standards—which set bounds on emissions per unit of output—and the resulting optimal replacement of capital goods in a vintage model under the putty-clay assumption. Comparing policies that are constrained by the same aggregate pollution target level, the productive life of capital is longer under dynamic relative standards, as the variable cost of pollution imposed on aging capital is lower.

Herreros F. (2015) Ties that bind: Family relationships and social trust. Rationality and Society 27(3): 334-357

Herreros F.

Abstract. There have been two main arguments concerning the effects of family relationships on social trust. The first claims that the intensity of the family relationship reduces the capacity of the family members to interact in the outside world, where social uncertainty prevails. The second considers that trust inside the family spills over into trust in strangers. There is a corollary to the first argument: intense family relationships, by reducing social trust, affect community development negatively.

Cruz-Castro L. & Sanz-Menendez L. (2016) The effects of the economic crisis on public research: Spanish budgetary policies and research organizations, Technological Forecasting and Social Change 113B: 157-167

Cruz-Castro L. & Sanz-Menendez L.

Abstract. The economic crisis of recent years provides an extremely valuable context for the study of the effective role which R&D policies have had for governments, both as a potential tool for exiting from the crisis and as an object of fiscal consolidation. The discourse of governments and international organizations often connect actions to cope with the crisis with reforms and changes in many areas, such as R&D.

Martínez C., Cruz-Castro L. & Sanz-Menéndez L. (2016) Innovation capabilities in the private sector: evaluating subsidies for hiring S&T workers in Spain. Research Evaluation 25(2): 196-208

Martínez C., Cruz-Castro L. & Sanz-Menéndez L.

Abstract. This article evaluates the effectiveness of a public programme intended to improve innovation capabilities in the private sector by subsidizing the hiring of research and development (R&D) personnel. Using information from the programme management database, we study factors associated with the duration of contracts and their transformation into open-ended contracts, a basic aim of the programme.

Ovando P., Oviedo J.L. & Campos P. (2016) Measuring total social income of a stone pine afforestation project in Huelva (Spain). Land Use Policy 50: 479-489

Ovando P., Oviedo J.L. & Campos P.

Abstract. We apply an experimental ecosystem accounting approach aimed at estimating the contribution of ecosystem services to total social income accrued from a Stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) forest as the result of afforestation in Huelva Province, Spain. The study encompasses private market products such as timber, pine cones, and forest conservation intermediate services; and non-market final services that include private amenities and public services such as landscape, free-access recreation and carbon sequestration services.

Farizo B.A., Joyce J. & Soliño M. (2014) Dealing with Heterogeneous Preferences using Multilevel Mixed Models. Land Economics 90(1): 181-198

Farizo B.A., Joyce J. & Soliño M.

Abstract. One of the main issues on the research agenda regarding stated preference methods concerns the heterogeneity of preferences either within or between individuals. We present a multilevel mixed model (MMM) to capture heterogeneity in deterministic utility components, instead of simply leaving them to random components. MMM captures heterogeneity at different levels: individuals, locations, and groups of individuals sharing other characteristics.

Jue, 17-03-2016; 00:00
Seminarios del IPP: "Protección Social en el Brasil contemporáneo: una mirada crítica"

Por José Paulo Netto (Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro)

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Organiza: Francisco Javier Moreno Fuentes (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)

Jue, 08-10-2015; 00:00
Seminarios del IPP: "Ciencia, prosperidad y sostenibilidad: desafíos y perspectivas en la Cuba del siglo XXI desde un enfoque cienciométrico"

Observación importante: El acceso al edificio será por el lateral del mismo (garita de entrada de vehículos) debido a obras de reparación que afectan a la entrada principal. Los asistentes al seminario deberán pararse en dicha garita para identificarse y esperar a que personal de la organización acuda a recibirlos y guiarlos hasta la Sala Herbert Simon.

Vie, 30-10-2015; 00:00
Otras sedes
International Workshop “Infrastructure and the spatial organization of economic activity”


Transport costs for goods, persons and services are recognized as determinants of the geographical distribution of economic activities and a key factor of competitiveness of countries, regions and cities.