Howlett M., Pung How Y. & del Rio P. (2015) The parameters of policy portfolios: verticality and horizontality in design spaces and their consequences for policy mix formulation. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 33(5): 1233-1245

Howlett M., Pung How Y. & del Rio P.

Abstract. Policies increasingly come in complex packages and understanding the nature of design criteria for such portfolios is increasingly important. However, existing studies of policy mixes fail to carefully define the dependent variable of the inquiry. As a result, theorization of policy design has lagged, the cumulative impact of empirical studies has not been great and understanding of the phenomena, despite many observations of its significance in policy studies, has not improved significantly over the past three decades.

Caparrós A. 2016. Bargaining and International Environmental Agreements. Environmental and Resource Economics, Published online 9 March 2016

Caparrós A. 2016

Abstract. This article surveys game theoretic papers focused on the negotiation process that leads to an International Environmental Agreement. Most of the papers considered apply bargaining theory, although other approaches have been considered as well.

Vie, 22-04-2016; 00:00
Seminarios del IPP: “Restructuring the State in crisis”

Por Patrick LeGalès (Centre d’Études Européenes, Sciences Po Paris).

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Organiza: Francisco Javier Moreno Fuentes (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)

Ovando P., Campos P., Oviedo J.L. & Montero G. (2010) Private net benefits from afforesting marginal crop and shrub lands with Cork Oaks in Spain. Forest Science 56(6): 567-577

Ovando P., Campos P., Oviedo J.L. & Montero G.

Abstract. We estimate the private net benefits from afforesting marginal shrubland and cropland with cork oaks at two Spanish cork oak sites, Aljibe and Gavarres, in different time horizon frames. The analysis integrates market and nonmarket (landowner amenity) private capital incomes, including government afforestation grants. We apply cost-benefit analysis techniques for estimating the investment present value in the periods analyzed, taking residual values of cork oak woodland into account.

Justes A., Barberán R. & Farizo B.A. (2014) Economic valuation of domesticwater uses. Science of the Total Environment 472: 712–718

Justes A., Barberán R. & Farizo B.A.

Abstract. There are many reasons of concern about the quality of water for domestic uses. The strategic goals of water tariffs must include savings, efficient management and equity in order to optimise availability of the best quality water. The main domestic uses of water are food preparation, personal hygiene and household cleaning; not all of them need the same quality, and for some of them there are even potential substitutes. In order to contribute to this debate, we need to know how these different uses are valued by direct users.

Huntsinger L. & Oviedo J.L. (2014) Ecosystem Services are Social Ecological Services in a Traditional Pastoral System: The Case in California Mediterranean Rangelands. Ecology and Society 19(1): 8

Huntsinger L. & Oviedo J.L.

Abstract. When attempting to value ecosystem services and support their production, two critical aspects may be neglected. The term “ecosystem services” implies that they are a function of natural processes; yet, human interaction with the environment may be key to the production of many. This can contribute to a misconception that ecosystem service production depends on, or is enhanced by, the coercion or removal of human industry.

Soliño M. & Farizo B.A. (2014) Personal Traits Underlying Environmental Preferences: A Discrete Choice Experiment. PLoS ONE 9(2): e89603

Soliño M. & Farizo B.A.

Abstract. Personality plays a role in human behavior, and thus can influence consumer decisions on environmental goods and services. This paper analyses the influence of the big five personality dimensions (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness) in a discrete choice experiment dealing with preferences for the development of an environmental program for forest management in Spain. For this purpose, a reduced version of the Big Five Inventory survey (the BFI-10) is implemented.

Farizo B.A., Louviere J. & Soliño M. (2014) Mixed integration of individual background, attitudes and tastes for landscape management. Land Use Policy 38: 477-486

Farizo B.A., Louviere J. & Soliño M.

Abstract. This paper discusses the design and analysis of a choice experiment regarding preferences for possible transformations of a mountain landscape traditionally used for grazing. Visual impacts related to changing a mountain landscape associated with a new ski resort development are evaluated versus an option with less environmental impact, such as a health spa or “no development”.

Del Río P. & Bleda M. (2012) Comparing the innovation effects of support schemes for renewable electricity technologies: A function of innovation approach. Energy Policy 50: 272-282

Del Río P. & Bleda M.

Abstract. The aim of this paper is to provide a comparative assessment of the innovation effects of instruments which support the diffusion of renewable electricity technologies with a functions-oriented technological innovation system perspective. The paper provides a link between two major streams of the literature: the functions of innovation systems and the literature on renewable electricity support schemes.

Lepori B., Aguillo I.F. & Seeber M. (2014) Size of web domains and interlinking behavior of higher education institutions in Europe. Scientometrics 100(82): 497-518

Lepori B., Aguillo I.F. & Seeber M.

Abstract.The aim of this paper is to empirically test whether interlinking patterns between higher education institutions (HEIs) conform to a document model, where links are motivated by webpage content, or a social relationship model, where they are markers of underlying social relationships between HEIs.