Mar, 02-07-2019; 00:00
Seminario IPP: "The Afro-Palestinians of Jerusalem; An Edge-Case for Nation and Nationalism Theory”

Por Moritz A. Mihatsch (Universidad de El Cairo)
Sala Herbert Simon 3D

Organiza: Francisco Herreros (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)

Mié, 26-06-2019; 00:00
Seminario IPP: “Inequality of Opportunities and Preferences for Redistribution"

Por Antonio M. Jaime Castillo (Universidad de Málaga)

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Organiza: Francisco Herreros (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)

Fraile, Marta e Irene Sánchez-Vitores. 2019. Tracing the gender gap in political interest: a panel analysis. Political Psychology.

Fraile, Marta e Irene Sánchez-Vitores

Abstract. Despite recent advances in gender equality in political representation and the availability of resources, this article shows that there is a persistent gender gap in declared political interest over the life cycle. Using evidence from the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS), we track the gender gap through the life span of citizens.

Mié, 05-06-2019; 00:00
Seminario IPP: "Uncovering Hidden Opinions: The contagion of Anti-immigrant Views"

Por Amalia Álvarez (Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods)

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Organiza: Francisco Herreros (IPP-CSIC)

Jue, 09-05-2019; 00:00
Seminario IPP: "Job Polarization: Measuring the Dangers of Automation"

Por Raquel Sebastián Lago (UCM)

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Her article proposes a non-parametric index of job polarization that help disentangle labor processes (job upgrading or downgrading, job polarization and concentration) and test the Routine Biasef Technological Change hypothesis.

Organiza: IPP-CSIC

Sanz-Menéndez, L. & Cruz-Castro, L. (2019). The Credibility of Scientific Communication Sources Regarding Climate Change: A Population-Based Survey Experiment. Public Understanding of Science, 28(5): 534-553

Sanz-Menéndez, L. & Cruz-Castro, L

Abstract. This article analyses whether different institutional sources of scientific information have an impact on its credibility. Through a population-based survey experiment of a national representative sample of the Spanish public, we measure the credibility that citizens attribute to scientific information on the evolution of CO2 emissions disclosed by different institutional sources (business associations, government, non-government environmental organisations, international bodies and national research institutions).

Mar, 14-05-2019; 00:00
Mesa redonda "¿Y después de las elecciones, qué? Retos de España para la próxima década"

Sala Menédez Pidal 0E18

- Teresa Castro (IEGD, retos demográficos)
- Alejandro Caparrós (IPP, retos climáticos)
- Victoria Moreno (CIAL, retos de salud)
- José Fernández-Albertos (IPP, restos socioeconómicos)

Modera: Luis Miller (IPP-CSIC)

Organiza: IPP-CSIC 

Cruz-Martínez, G. (2019). Welfare and Social Protection in Contemporary Latin America. Londres, Rouledge.

Cruz-Martínez, G.

Abstract. Social protection serves as an important development tool, helping to alleviate deprivation, reduce social risks, raise household income and develop human capital. This book brings together an interdisciplinary team of international experts to analyse social protection systems and welfare regimes across contemporary Latin America.

Mié, 19-06-2019; 00:00
Seminario IPP: "Identidades políticas y atribución de responsabilidades en contextos multinivel"

Por  Lluis Orriols (Universidad Carlos III)

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Organiza: Francisco Herreros (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)

Jue, 23-05-2019; 00:00
Seminario IPP: "The demand for experts: Evidence from a survey-experiment in Spain"

Por Sebastián Lavezzolo (Universidad Carlos III)

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Organiza: Francisco Herreros (IPP-CSIC)