Gonzalez-Pereira B., Guerrero-Bote V.P. & Moya-Anegon F. (2010) A new approach to the metric of journals' scientific prestige: The SJR indicator. Journal of Informetrics 4(3): 379-391

Gonzalez-Pereira B., Guerrero-Bote V.P. & Moya-Anegon F.

Abstract. A size-independent indicator of journals’ scientific prestige, the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) indicator, is proposed that ranks scholarly journals based on citation weighting schemes and eigenvector centrality. It is designed for use with complex and heterogeneous citation networks such as Scopus. Its computation method is described, and the results of its implementation on the Scopus 2007 dataset is compared with those of an ad hoc Journal Impact Factor, JIF(3y), both generally and within specific scientific areas.

Lancho-Barrantes B.S., Guerrero-Bote V.P. & Moya-Anegon F. (2010) What lies behind the averages and significance of citation indicators in different disciplines? Journal of Information Science 36(3): 371-382

Lancho-Barrantes B.S., Guerrero-Bote V.P. & Moya-Anegon F.

Abstract. The limitations of citation-based indicators include a lack of coverage, no normalization with respect to the length of reference lists (with a potential bias in favour of reviews), and different citation habits. As a consequence, the distributions of the indicators are not comparable across different disciplines.

Perianes-Rodriguez A., Olmeda-Gomez C. & Moya-Anegon F. (2010) Detecting, identifying and visualizing research groups in co-authorship networks. Scientometrics 82(2): 307-319

Perianes-Rodriguez A., Olmeda-Gomez C. & Moya-Anegon F.

Abstract. The present paper proposes a method for detecting, identifying and visualizing research groups. The data used refer to nine Carlos III University of Madrid departments, while the findings for the Communication Technologies Department illustrate the method. Structural analysis was used to generate co-authorship networks. Research groups were identified on the basis of factorial analysis of the raw data matrix and similarities in the choice of co-authors.

Gomez-Nunez A.J., Vargas-Quesada B., Moya-Anegon F. (2016) Updating the SCImago journal and country rank classification: A new approach using Ward's clustering and alternative combination of citation measures. Journal of the Assoc for Inf Sc and Tech

Gomez-Nunez A.J., Vargas-Quesada B., Moya-Anegon F.

Abstract. This study introduces a new proposal to refine the classification of the SCImago Journal and Country Rank (SJR) platform by using clustering techniques and an alternative combination of citation measures from an initial 18,891 SJR journal network. Thus, a journal–journal matrix including simultaneously fractionalized values of direct citation, cocitation, and coupling was symmetrized by cosine similarity and later transformed into distances before performing clustering.

Chinchilla-Rodriguez Z., Arencibia-Jorge R., Moya-Anegon F. & Corera-Alvarez E. (2015) Somes patterns of Cuban scientific publication in Scopus: the current situation and challenges. Scientometrics 103(3): 779-794

Chinchilla-Rodriguez Z., Arencibia-Jorge R., Moya-Anegon F. & Corera-Alvarez E.

Abstract. Cuban scientific output is analyzed for the period 2003–2011, in Scopus database. Based on a set of bibliometric indicators, we try to shed light on the evolution of the volume of scientific output in Cuban and foreign journals, and its distribution and visibility by quartiles. Also analyzed is the citation per document received, broken down by language of publication and type of collaboration.

Caparrós A., Ovando P., Oviedo J.L. & Campos P. (2011) Accounting for carbon in avoided degradation and reforestation programmes in Mediterranean forests. Environment and Development Economics 16(4): 405-428

Caparrós A., Ovando P., Oviedo J.L. & Campos P.

Abstract. After reviewing the Kyoto Protocol rules for carbon sequestration accounting and the different carbon accounting methods proposed in the literature for forest management, for reforestation and, more recently, for avoided deforestation or degradation, we discuss possible carbon accounting rules for a post-Kyoto world. We then apply the results of this discussion to micro-applications in an Annex I country (Spain) and in a non-Annex I country (Tunisia), comparing avoided degradation with reforestation alternatives.

Solino M., Farizo B.A., Vazquez M.X. & Prada A. (2012) Generating electricity with forest biomass: Consistency and payment timeframe effects in choice experiments. Energy Policy 41: 798-806

Solino M., Farizo B.A., Vazquez M.X. & Prada A.

Abstract. This paper presents a choice experiment analyzing the consumers' preferences towards a policy for replacing conventional electricity with electricity generated from forest biomass. The results show that consumers specially prefer the effects related to the lower risk of forest fires and to the decrease in pressure on non-renewable resources. The article also presents a methodological test in relation to the payment timeframe and its effect on marginal willingness to pay and consistency of responses using choice experiments.

Calzada I., Goméz-Garrido M., Moreno L. & Moreno-Fuentes F.J. (2014) It is not Only About Equality. A Study on the (Other) Values That Ground Attitudes to the Welfare State. International Journal of Public Opinion Research 26(2): 178-201

Calzada I., Goméz-Garrido M., Moreno L. & Moreno-Fuentes F.J.

Abstract. Literature on welfare attitudes has reached a stylized scheme in which egalitarian values and self-interest concerns are the two main determinants of welfare attitudes. We aim to bring forward existing research by identifying additional values that people draw on to elaborate opinions on welfare issues. Using data from the European Social Survey 2008 and 26 countries, we find that values such as multiculturalism or authoritarianism, among others, lie at the roots of welfare attitudes.

Moreno L. (2013) Spain's Catch up with the EU Core: The Implausible Quest of a "Flying Pig'? South European Society and Politics 18(2): 217-236

Moreno L.

Abstract. In contemporary times, Spain offers a good example of a very compressed transition to post-industrial socioeconomic structures, passing from peripheral to core status within the European Union (EU) and the international economic order. The present article reviews developments and outcomes in Spain since 2000 by paying attention to the impact of the EU on Spain's welfare political economy.