Del Rio P. & Mir-Artigues P. (2012) Support for solar PV deployment in Spain: Some policy lessons. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 16(8): 5557-5566

Del Rio P. & Mir-Artigues P.

Abstract. This paper provides an overview of the trends of the Spanish solar PV feed-in tariff (FIT) and its design elements, identifies some implications for the effective and cost-efficient deployment of solar PV in Spain and infers some lessons which might be useful for the implementation of support for solar PV elsewhere. Our analysis is based on a throughout revision of the relevant legislation, official data on deployment and related expenditure, informal discussions with key stakeholders and written documents.

Tarancón M.A. & Del Rio P. (2012) Assessing energy-related CO2 emissions with sensitivity analysis and input-output techniques. Energy 37(1): 161-170

Tarancón M.A. & Del Rio P.

Abstract. The aim of this paper is to provide a critical overview of sensitivity analyses within input-output techniques applied to energy-related CO2 emissions. A classification of those applications is presented and their main advantages and disadvantages are discussed. It is argued that sensitivity analyses within input-output techniques are very relevant to obtain a “map” of hot-spots of the production system, i.e., to identify the transactions between sectors which lead to a large impact on the generation of energy-related CO2 emissions.

Iglesias G., Del Rio P. & Dopico J.A. (2011) Policy analysis of authorisation procedures for wind energy deployment in Spain. Energy Policy 39(7): 4067-4076

Iglesias G., Del Rio P. & Dopico J.A.

Abstract. The aim of this paper is to analyse the administrative procedures for the granting of authorisations for the siting of wind farms in Spain, currently the competency of regional authorities. The analysis reveals some commonalities and differences between the procedures across regions. Furthermore, some aspects regarding these procedures have raised the concern of different stakeholders, including the central government and wind energy investors. A conflict between the interests of the central and regional governments can be observed.

Del Rio P., Tarancón Moran M.A. & Albinana F.C. (2011) Analysing the determinants of environmental technology investments. A panel-data study of Spanish industrial sectors. Journal of Cleaner Production 19(11): 1170-1179

Del Rio P., Tarancón Moran M.A. & Albinana F.C.

Abstract. The aim of this paper is to empirically assess the determinants of environmental technology investments in the Spanish industrial sectors with the help of panel data econometric techniques. The paper confirms the relevance of the stringency of environmental regulation to explain overall investment patterns in environmental technologies. These investments are also positively related to human and physical capital intensity and R&D intensity, and negatively related to the export intensity of sectors.

Del Rio P., Silvosa A.C. & Iglesias Gomez G. (2011) Policies and design elements for the repowering of wind farms: A qualitative analysis of different options. Energy Policy 39(4): 1897-1908

Del Rio P., Silvosa A.C. & Iglesias Gomez G.

Abstract. Repowering of a wind farm is the process of replacing existing wind turbines with new turbines that either have a larger nameplate capacity or more efficiency, resulting in a net increase of the power generated. Although repowering brings, both, social and private benefits, there are also several obstacles to repowering which justify public support. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview and a qualitative analysis of instruments and design options to support repowering of on-shore wind farms.

San Miguel G., Del Rio P. & Hernández F. (2010) An update of Spanish renewable energy policy and achievements in a low carbon context. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 2(3): 031007

San Miguel G., Del Rio P. & Hernández F.

Abstract. Following environmental and economic motivations, most countries in the world are confronting the challenge of reducing both their dependence on fossil fuels and their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The promotion of renewable energy sources (RES) contributes to these two goals while simultaneously bringing economic opportunities in less industrialized areas and positioning national companies in a rapidly expanding sector.

Martínez-Jauregui M., Herruzo A.C. & Campos P. (2015) What does hunting market price reflect? The role of species, landscape and Management. Wildlife Research 42(3): 280-289

Martínez-Jauregui M., Herruzo A.C. & Campos P.


Context: Hunting transactions can be considered a composite good that includes various attributes or characteristics. Obtaining information regarding the utility derived from the different characteristics of the hunter’s bag might help elucidate the purchasing behaviour of hunters. This behaviour is, in turn, an important aspect to be considered by land managers in adaptive hunting management.

Ovando P., Campos P., Calama R. & Montero G. (2010) Landowner net benefit from Stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) afforestation of dry-land cereal fields in Valladolid, Spain. Journal of Forest Economics 16(2): 83-100

Ovando P., Campos P., Calama R. & Montero G.

Abstract. This analysis measures the net benefit that a landowner could obtain from changing current dry-land cereal fields into Stone pine plantations in Portillo and Viana (Valladolid, Spain). We apply cost–benefit analysis techniques to estimate the present value of Stone pine afforestation net benefit by considering an infinite series of forestry rotations. We simulate three Stone pine silviculture models at each of the two sites.