Mié, 17-02-2021; 00:00
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Seminarios del IPP: “Believing and Sharing Information by Fake Sources: An Experiment”

Evento online a través de Zoom (https://zoom.us/j/95991555088?pwd=MkhFQURZdDFObnFocUZYQTkwMllwZz09 - ID de reunión: 959 9155 5088 - Código de acceso: 363999)

Por Paul Bauer (Mannheim Centre for European Social Research)

Organiza: Francisco Herreros (IPP-CSIC)

Lun, 17-05-2021; 00:00 hasta Mar, 18-05-2021; 00:00
Otras sedes
Workshop Series on Migration, Globalization and the Knowledge Economy

Lugar: Burdeos

Dentro del marco del programa internacional ALLIES, cofinanciado por CNRS y CSIC.

Organiza: Luis Sanz Menéndez y Laura Cruz Castro (IPP-CSIC) - Ernest Miguelez y Francesco Lissoni (GREThA, CNRS-Universidad de Burdeos)

Fraile, M. & Fortin-Rittberger, J. (2020). Unpacking Gender, Age, and Education Knowledge Inequalities: A Systematic Comparison. Social Science Abstract Objective Scrutinize how the three ma Quarterly, 101(4): 1653-1669




Scrutinize how the three main sources of knowledge inequalities, namely, gender, age, and education, relate to the content, format, and object of the survey items used to measure knowledge


Using a pooled data set encompassing 106 postelection surveys in 47 countries from the CSES, we perform analyses by stacking the data at the question level.


Ferrín, M., Fraile, M., García-Albacete, GM., & Gómez, R. (2019). The gender gap in political interest revisited. International Political Science Review, 41(4): 473-489


Abstract. To what extent does conventional survey measurement capture the political interest of men and women equally well? We aim to answer this question by relying on unique data from a national online survey in Spain, where we used various questions unpacking the standard indicator of political interest. The findings show that men and women nominate different personal political interests. We also find that the gender gap in political interest vanishes once these specific interests are taken into account.

Mié, 03-02-2021; 00:00
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Seminarios del IPP: "Keeping up with living standards? Female Employment Status And Their Disposable Income In Post-industrial Economies "

Por Ariane Aumaitre (EUI)

Evento online a través de Zoom (https://zoom.us/j/97800157196?pwd=clY1K1pRKzJDYzhvbVZiR20vb2lzQT09 - ID de reunión: 978 0015 7196 - Código de acceso: 929248)

Organiza: Francisco Herreros (IPP-CSIC)

Barr, A., Miller, L and Ubeda, P. (2021). Is the Acknowledgment of Earned Entitlement Effect Robust Across Experimental Modes and Populations?. Sociological Methods & Research

Barr, A., Miller, L and Ubeda, P. (2021)

Abstract. We present a set of studies the objective of which was to test the robustness of the acknowledgment of earned entitlement effect across different experimental modes and populations. We present three sets of results. The first is derived from a between-subject analysis of two independent, but comparable samples of nonstudent adults. One sample participated in a standard, behavioral laboratory experiment and the other participated in a survey experiment. The two methods returned similar treatment effects.

Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Z., Bu, Y., Robinson-García, N. Sugimoto, C.R. (2021) An empirical review of the different variants of the probabilistic affinity index as applied to scientific collaboration. Scientometrics

Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Z., Bu, Y., Robinson-García

Abstract. Responsible indicators are crucial for research assessment and monitoring. Transparency and accuracy of indicators are required to make research assessment fair and ensure reproducibility. However, sometimes it is difficult to conduct or replicate studies based on indicators due to the lack of transparency in conceptualization and operationalization. In this paper, we review the different variants of the Probabilistic Affinity Index (PAI), considering both the conceptual and empirical underpinnings.

Guerrero-Bote, V.P., Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Z., Mendoza, A., & Moya-Anegón, F. (2020). Comparative analysis of the bibliometric sources Dimensions and Scopus: An approach at the country and institutional levels. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics

Guerrero-Bote, V.P., Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Z.

Abstract. This paper presents a large-scale document-level comparison of two major bibliographic data sources: Scopus and Dimensions. The focus is on the differences in their coverage of documents at two levels of aggregation: by country and by institution. The main goal is to analyze whether Dimensions offers as good new opportunities for bibliometric analysis at the country and institutional levels as it does at the global level. Differences in the completeness and accuracy of citation links are also studied.

Jue, 21-01-2021; 00:00
Otras sedes
Seminarios del IPP: "On using epidemiologic network techniques to model knowledge diffusion processes in science: the case of zebrafish”

Evento online a través de Zoom (Enlace https://zoom.us/j/94872939199?pwd=Q01nYTcwM1lOZGdqaENFdjBvbEd3UT09 - ID de reunión: 948 7293 9199 - Código de acceso: 044993)

Por Rodrigo Liscovsky (University of Edinburgh)