Farizo B.A., Oglethorpe D. & Solino M. (2016) Personality traits and environmental choices: On the search for understanding. Science of the Total Environment 566: 157-167

Farizo B.A., Oglethorpe D. & Solino M. (2016) Personality traits and environmental choices: On the search for understanding. Science of the Total Environment 566: 157-167

Abstract. In this paper we hypothesize that individuals will choose among alternative courses of action for power generation from wind farms according to their personality profiles. Through a factor analysis we found that certain characteristics of personality do indeed have an effect on environmental choice.

Aguillo I.F. (2016) Informetrics for librarians: describing their important role in the evaluation process. Profesional de la Información 25(1): 5-10

Aguillo I.F.

Abstract. Librarians are playing a secondary role in the process of evaluating research activities, usually as auxiliary providers of raw data extracted from pre-selected sources. Given the subjective nature of the decision committees, there is a strong need for unbiased and objective procedures guaranteed by independent professionals.

Torres-Salinas D., Robinson-Garcia N. & Aguillo I.F. (2016) Bibliometric and benchmark analysis of gold open access in Spain: big output and little impact. Profesional de la Informacion 25(1): 17-24

Torres-Salinas D., Robinson-Garcia N. & Aguillo I.F.

Abstract. This bibliometric study analyzes the research output produced by Spain during the 2005-2014 time period in Open Access (OA) journals indexed in Web of Science. The aim of the paper is to determine if papers published in Open Access journals contribute to the improvement of citation impact and collaboration indicators in Spanish research. The results are shown by scientific areas and compared with 17 European countries. Spain is the second highest ranking European country with gold OA publication output and the fourth highest in Open Access output (9%).

Mas-Bleda A., Thelwall M., Kousha K. & Aguillo I.F. (2014) Do highly cited researchers successfully use the social web? Scientometrics 101(1): 337-356

Mas-Bleda A., Thelwall M., Kousha K. & Aguillo I.F.

Abstract. Academics can now use the web and the social websites to disseminate scholarly information in a variety of different ways. Although some scholars have taken advantage of these new online opportunities, it is not clear how widespread their uptake is or how much impact they can have. This study assesses the extent to which successful scientists have social web presences, focusing on one influential group: highly cited researchers working at European institutions. It also assesses the impact of these presences.

Ortega J.L. & Aguillo I.F. (2014) Microsoft Academic Search and Google Scholar Citations: Comparative Analysis of Author Profiles. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 65(6): 1149-1156

Ortega J.L. & Aguillo I.F.

Abstract. This article offers a comparative analysis of the personal profiling capabilities of the two most important free citation-based academic search engines, namely, Microsoft Academic Search (MAS) and Google Scholar Citations (GSC). Author profiles can be useful for evaluation purposes once the advantages and the shortcomings of these services are described and taken into consideration. In total, 771 personal profiles appearing in both the MAS and the GSC databases were analyzed.

Barnett G.A., Park H.W., Jiang K., Tang C. & Aguillo I.F. (2014) A multi-level network analysis of web-citations among the world's universities. Scientometrics 99(1): 5-26

Barnett G.A., Park H.W., Jiang K., Tang C. & Aguillo I.F.

Abstract. This paper describes the results of a multi-level network analysis of web-citations among the 1,000 universities with the greatest presence on the world wide web. Using data from January 2011, it describes the web-citation network of the world’s universities and ascertains the antecedent factors that determine its structure. At the university level, the network is composed of ten groups, and the most central universities are mainly from the United States.

Aguillo I.F. (2014) Information policies and scientific publication. Profesional de la Informacion 23(2): 113-118

Aguillo I.F.

Abstract. The lack of an integrated information policy for scientific activity evaluation has led to a wide range of information products and services that are used for such purposes, although they were not originally designed for that. While it is true that these tools have limitations and deficiencies, and in several cases are technologically and methodologically obsolete, possibly the biggest problem is sustainability in the present times of economic crisis, especially if they do not take on new strategic tasks, such as assessment, which is a priority today.