Vie, 27-10-2017; 00:00
Otras sedes
Open Access Week Roundtable: Open Access & Open Metrics: Best practices for Social Sciences

Lugar: Sala del Capitolo, Badia Fiesolana, European University Institute, Via della Badia dei Roccettini, 9 (Fiesole, Italia)

Joint EUI session on Open Access publishing through Cadmus, Open Data and ORCID

Jue, 26-10-2017; 00:00
Seminario IPP: "Off the Beaten Path: What Drives Scientists’ Entry into New Fields?"

Por: Daniel Neicu (KU Leuven & University of Strasbourg)

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Organiza: Francisco Herreros (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)

Mar, 14-11-2017; 00:00
Seminario de Economía Ambiental de Madrid (MEES): "A Theory of Gains from Trade in-Multilaterally / Linked Emission Trading Systems”

Por: Luca Taschini (London School of Economics)

Sala Herbert Simon 3D

Los autores del artículo son: Baran Doda (London School of Economics), Simon Quemin (Dauphin in London) y Luca Taschini (London School of Economics)

Domenech, J. & Herreros F. (2017) Land Reform and Peasant Revolution. Evidence from 1930s Spain. Explorations in Economic History 64: 82-103

Domenech, J. & Herreros F.

Abstract. We analyze the impact of failed land reform on peasant conflict in Spain before the Civil War using a municipal data set with monthly observations of peasant conflict in Andalusia from April 1931 to July 1936. We find temporary occupations of land were rare and not correlated with either organized reaction to land reform or the existence of a large pool of beneficiaries.

Criado H., Herreros F., Miller L. & Ubeda, P. (2018) The Unintended Consequences of Political Mobilization on Trust. The Case of the Secessionist Process in Catalonia. Journal of Conflict Resolution 62(2): 231-253

Criado H., Herreros F., Miller L. & Ubeda, P.

Abstract. Conflicting theories and mixed empirical results exist on the relationship between ethnic diversity and trust. This article argues that these mixed empirical results might be driven by contextual conditions. We conjecture that political competition could strengthen ethnic saliency and, in turn, salient ethnic identities can activate or intensify in-group trust and depress trust in members of other ethnic groups. We test this conjecture using the move toward secession in Catalonia, Spain.

Perna R. (2017) Re-bounding EU citizenship from below: practices of healthcare for ‘(Il)legitimate EU Migrants’ in Italy. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Published online 8 August 2017

Perna R.

Abstract. Since multiple crises are currently affecting Europe, interest on changes in intra-EU mobility patterns, policies and EU movers’ strategies of integration has re-emerged in academic debates. What seems to still lack to date is a focus on the chaining actors linking the macro level of policies and the micro level of individual strategies, that is, civil servants who are in charge of implementing national policies in their daily encounters with EU citizens.

Cruz-Castro L., Holl A., Rama R. & Sanz-Menéndez L. (2018) Economic crisis and company R&D in Spain: do regional and policy factors matter? Industry and Innovation 25: 729-751 OPEN ACCESS PAPER

Cruz-Castro L., Holl A., Rama R. & Sanz-Menéndez L.

Abstract. The economic crisis which began in 2008 has had a far-reaching impact, including effects on the innovation behaviour of firms. Many companies have reduced their innovation-related activities, although some firms have been more resilient than others. Using a representative microdata panel of Spanish firms, we study the probability of companies abandoning in-house R&D during the crisis and its relationship to regional and policy factors.

Mié, 05-07-2017; 00:00
Seminario IPP

Participan 3 de sus autores: Sara Lafuente (IPP-CSIC), Pablo Santoro (UCM) y Carmen Romero Bachiller (UCM)

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Organiza: Francisco Herreros (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)