Ciaramella L., Martínez C. & Ménière Y. (2017) Tracking patent transfers in different European countries: methods and a first application to medical technologies. Scientometrics 112(2): 817-850

Ciaramella L., Martínez C. & Ménière Y.

Abstract. Drawing on more than half a million granted patents in all technological sectors filed at EPO between 1998 and 2012 we gather information on 300,000 inscriptions affecting changes in their ownership at the EPO and top national registers (France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain). After grouping parallel legal events in different European validation countries, we find that more than 30% of EPO patents in all fields change ownership at least once.

Closa C. (2017) Changing EU internal borders through democratic means. Journal of European Integration. Published online 11 May 2017

Closa C.

Abstract. Demands for secession from EU member states create a novel situation for the demarcation of the internal borders of the Union. When combined with withdrawal of the original state from the EU, this adds the complexity of simultaneously re-drawing internal and external borders.

Caparrós A., Oviedo J.L., Álvarez A. & Campos P. (2017) Simulated Exchange Values and Ecosystem Accounting. Ecological Economics 139: 140-149

Caparrós A., Oviedo J.L., Álvarez A. & Campos P.

Abstract. This paper discusses the Simulated Exchange Value method, a practical method to estimate values for goods and services currently outside of the market in a manner consistent with the market-based figures considered in national accounts.

Caparrós A. & Péreau J.C. (2017) Multilateral versus sequential negotiations over climate change. Oxford Economic Papers 69(2): 365–387

Caparrós A. & Péreau J.C.

Abstract. We discuss a model of gradual coalition formation with positive externalities in which a leading country endogenously decides whether to negotiate multilaterally or sequentially over climate change. We show that the leader may choose a sequential path, and that the choice is determined by the convexity of the TU-game and the free-rider payoffs of the followers. Except in a few clearly defined cases, the outcome of the negotiation process is always the grand coalition, although the process may need some time.

Jue, 29-06-2017; 00:00
Seminario IPP: "Big interdisciplinarity and what it does to identities and group perception"

Por Bettina Bock von Wülfingen (Humboldt University Berlin)

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Organiza: Francisco Javier Moreno Fuentes (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)

Huntsinger, L., Hruska, T.V., Oviedo, J.L., Shapero, M., Naderm G.A., Ingram, R.S. & Beissinger S.R. (2017) Save water or save wildlife? Water use and conservation in the Central Sierran foothill oak woodlands of California. Ecology and Society 22(2):12

Huntsinger, L., Hruska, T.V., Oviedo, J.L., Shapero, M., Naderm G.A., Ingram, R.S. & Beissinger S.R.

Abstract. More frequent drought is projected for California. As water supplies constrict, and urban growth and out-migration spread to rural areas, trade-offs in water use for agriculture, biodiversity conservation, fire hazard reduction, residential development, and quality of life will be exacerbated. The California Black Rail (Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus), state listed as “Threatened,” depends on leaks from antiquated irrigation district irrigation systems for much of its remnant small wetland habitat in the north central Sierra Nevada foothills.

Vie, 12-05-2017; 00:00
Otras sedes
Jornada "¿Cómo medir la innovación y su impacto?"

Lugar: Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI) - Salón de Actos. C/ Cid, 4 (Madrid)

11:00-11:10 Bienvenida, Francisco Marín, Director General (CDTI)