Soliño M., Farizo B.A. & Campos P. (2017) Hunters' preferences and willingness to pay for driven hunts in southern Europe. Wildlife Research 43(8): 649-654

Soliño M., Farizo B.A. & Campos P.

Abstract. Context. Driven hunts exemplify the most representative form of big-game hunting in southern Europe.
Aims. We analysed hunter preferences for driven hunts and the marginal willingness to pay for their characteristics.
Methods. We conducted a discrete-choice experiment for driven hunts, taking into account the number of deer that could
be hunted, the possibility of free-range wild-boar hunting, the presence of trophies, and other characteristics of driven hunts, such as congestion and travel time.

Benavent-Perez M., Gorraiz J., Gumpenberger, C. & Moya-Anegon F. (2012) The different flavors of research collaboration: a case study of their influence on university excellence in four world regions. Scientometrics 93(1): 41-58

Benavent-Perez M., Gorraiz J., Gumpenberger, C. & Moya-Anegon F.

Abstract. This study on research collaboration (RC) is an attempt to estimate the degree of internationalization of academic institutions and regions. Furthermore potential influences of RC on excellence initiatives of modern universities are investigated relying on source data obtained from SCImago Institutions Rankings. A positive correlation exists between the degree of collaboration and the normalized impact. However, in contrast to output the normalized impact increase progression is non-linear and fluctuating.

Bornmann L., Moya Anegon F. & Leydesdorff L. (2012) The new Excellence Indicator in the World Report of the SCImago Institutions Rankings 2011. Journal of Informetrics 6(2): 333-335

Bornmann L., Moya Anegon F. & Leydesdorff L.

Abstract. The SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) World Reports are published annually. These reports contain an international ranking of more than 2000 research institutions and organizations. The indicator values are based on publication and citation data from Scopus (Elsevier) for research-devoted institutions with at least 100 papers published within the year under study.

Moya Anegon F. (2012) Leadership and excellence of Spanish science. Professional de la Información 21(2): 125-127

Moya Anegon F.

Abstract. Although Spain is ranked 10th in scientific production, it is 22nd in impact. The distribution of scientific production across the 17 Spanish regions is analyzed. Madrid and Catalonia account for 49% of total production and for 58% of excellence as reflected in impact, defined as publications within the 10% most cited worldwide.

Galvez C. & Moya-Anegon F. (2012) A dictionary-based approach to normalizing gene names in one domain of knowledge from the biomedical literature. Journal of Documentation 68(1): 5-30

Galvez C. & Moya-Anegon F.


Gene term variation is a shortcoming in text‐mining applications based on biomedical literature‐based knowledge discovery. The purpose of this paper is to propose a technique for normalizing gene names in biomedical literature.

Romo-Fernández L.M., Guerrero-Bote V.P. & Moya-Anegón F. (2012) World scientific production on renewable energy, sustainability and the environment. Energy for Sustainable Development 16(4): 500-508

Romo-Fernández L.M., Guerrero-Bote V.P. & Moya-Anegón F.

Abstract. This study examines world scientific production on renewable energy, sustainability and the environment on the basis of bibliometric indicators (scientific production, percentage variation of production, average cites per document, normalized impact, impact, etc.) for the period 2003–08. The analysis is made by country, by research institution, and by scientific journal, using the Scopus (Elsevier) database of scientific literature.

Guerrero-Bote V.P., Moya-Anegón F. (2012). A further step forward in measuring journals' scientific prestige: The SJR2 indicator. Journal of Informetrics 6(4): 674-688

Guerrero-Bote V.P., Moya-Anegón F.

Abstract. A new size-independent indicator of scientific journal prestige, the SJR2 indicator, is proposed. This indicator takes into account not only the prestige of the citing scientific journal but also its closeness to the cited journal using the cosine of the angle between the vectors of the two journals’ cocitation profiles. To eliminate the size effect, the accumulated prestige is divided by the fraction of the journal's citable documents, thus eliminating the decreasing tendency of this type of indicator and giving meaning to the scores.

Moed H.F., Moya-Anegón F., López-Illescas C., Visser M. (2011) Is concentration of university research associated with better research performance? Journal of Informetrics 5(4): 649-658

Moed H.F., Moya-Anegón F., López-Illescas C., Visser M.

Abstract. This paper analyses relationships between university research performance and concentration of university research. Using the number of publications and their citation impact extracted from Scopus as proxies of research activity and research performance, respectively, it examines at a national level for 40 major countries the distribution of published research articles among its universities, and at an institutional level for a global set of 1500 universities the distribution of papers among 16 main subject fields.