Mar, 18-02-2014; 01:00
Seminarios del IPP: "Representative bureaucracy: Two experiments about its influence on public attitudes and behaviors"
Por: Gregg Van Ryzin ( Rutgers University)
Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D
Seminario conjunto del Dpto. de Política Comparada del IPP, CCHS-CSIC, el Dpto. de Ciencia Política y de la Administración de la UNED y el Dpto.

Ferrer-Fons M. & Fraile M. (2013) Political consumerism and the decline of class politics in Western Europe. International Journal of Comparative Sociology 54: 467-489

Ferrer-Fons M. & Fraile M.

Abstract. This article examines whether social class influences the likelihood of engaging in political consumerism in Western Europe. Political consumption is the intentional buying or abstention from buying (boycotting) specific products for political, ethical, or ecological reasons. The interest in analyzing political consumerism lies in substantive and theoretical reasons. First, it is a widespread but not very adequately studied form of noninstitutionalized political participation.

Mar, 28-01-2014; 01:00 hasta Lun, 03-02-2014; 01:00
Otras sedes

Homenaje a Valentina Fernández Vargas, Profesora vinculada Ad honorem al IPP-CSIC

Lugar: Sala de Conferencias, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Organiza: Dpto. Historia Contemporánea (UAM), IEEE e IPP-CSIC

Closa C. & Maatsch A. (2014) In a Spirit of Solidarity? Justifying the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) in National Parliamentary Debates. Journal of Common Market Studies 52(4): 826-842

Closa C. & Maatsch A.

Abstract. This article examines national parliamentarians’ approval of the increased budgetary capacity of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) in autumn 2011. Following the analysis of vote outcome and plenary debates in 11 euro states, it is found that the financial position of a state (creditors versus debtors) does not explain the patterns of support and opposition. Rather, two other factors account for these differences: Euroscepticism, and the government and opposition cleavage.

Jue, 20-02-2014; 01:00
Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D
-“What is the role of international drivers in environmental innovation?

Martinez C. & Rama R. (2012) Home or next door? Patenting by European food and beverage multinationals. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 24(7): 647-661

Martinez C. & Rama R.

Abstract. We study the location of the inventive activity of 59 major European food and beverage multinationals and their 8432 subsidiaries worldwide, by analysing the geographical distribution of the inventors listed in the European Patent Office (EPO) applications, US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) patents and triadic, international and Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) patent families of the companies filed between 1978 and the early 2000s. The sampled companies tend to locate their R&D activities in the home country.

Romo-Fernández L.M., Guerrero-Bote V.P. & Moya-Anegón F. (2013) Co-word based thematic analysis of renewable energy (1990–2010). Scientometrics 97(3): 743-765

Romo-Fernández L.M., Guerrero-Bote V.P. & Moya-Anegón F.

Abstract. This article describes an analysis of keywords which was aimed at revealing publication patterns in the field of renewable energy, including the temporal evolution of its different research lines over the last two decades. To this end, we first retrieved the records of the sample, then we processed the keywords to resolve their obvious problems of synonymy and to limit the study to those most used.

Mar, 19-11-2013; 01:00
12:00 hrs., Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D
Por Malcolm Goggin (School of Public Affairs, University of Colorado Denver)

Maatsch. A. (2014) Are we all austerians now? An analysis of national parliamentary parties' positioning on anti-crisis measures in the eurozone. Journal of European Public Policy 21(1): 96-115

Maatsch. A.

Abstract. Which factors account for positioning of national parliamentary parties on anti-crisis measures implemented in the bailout states of the eurozone? The literature suggests that parties representing the economic ‘left’ are more likely to advocate Keynesian measures, whereas parties representing the economic ‘right’ tend to support the neoliberal ones.