Jue, 25-06-2020; 00:00
Otras sedes
Webinar-Mesa redonda:"¿Internacionalización de patentes? Solución, la vía del PCT"

Evento online a través de streaming: https://www.oepm.es/es/sobre_oepm/streaming/

Mesa redonda donde se analiza el tema de internacionalizar las patentes y cómo hacerlo mediante la vía del Tratado de Cooperación en materia de Patentes, PCT.

Con la participación de:

Moderador: José Antonio Gil Celedonio. Director de la OEPM.

Caballero, A., & López-Pérez, R. (2020). Economic Models of Optimism: What Does the Evidence Say?. Cuadernos Económicos De ICE, 1(99). https://doi.org/10.32796/cice.2020.99.7008

Caballero, A., & López-Pérez, R.

Resumen. En recientes modelos económicos, un optimista (no Bayesiano) es aquel agente cuyas creencias y expectativas están frecuentemente «tintadas de rosa», dado que sus a prioris y la evidencia objetivamente disponible implicarían una predicción estadística menos positiva. Este artículo repasa la literatura empírica sobre optimismo con vistas a evaluar la relevancia empírica de tales modelos.

María Bruquetas-Callejo and Roberta Perna (2020). Migration and Healthcare Reforms in Spain: Symbolic Politics, Converging Outputs, Oppositions from the Field, South European Society and Politics, 25:1, 75-98, https://doi.org/10.1080/13608746.2020.1769342

María Bruquetas-Callejo and Roberta Perna

ABSTRACT: Migrants’ healthcare entitlement represents a conflictive issue in the political battlefield, with research pointing towards the determinant role of party politics in determining policy outputs. Addressing the 2012 healthcare reform and 2018 counter-reform adopted in Spain by a right-wing and left-wing government respectively and drawing on qualitative analysis of parties’ discourses and policy measures, we argue that ideological differences along the healthcare-migration nexus were overemphasised to play symbolic politics.

Bu, Yi., Wang, Binglu., Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida., Sugimoto, Cassidy R., Huang Yong., and Huang Win-bin. (2020). Considering author sequence in all-author co-citation analysis. Information Proccesing & Management, 57 (6); 102300

Considering author sequence in all-author co-citation analysis

Abstract. Author co-citation analysis (ACA) is a commonly used method to map knowledge domains and depict scientific intellectual structures. Although all authors’ information has been considered in previous studies, ACA does not distinguish credits of different collaborators within a team. Authors’ sequence in a publication illustrates their contributions and specialty of research, which offers more information as inputs of ACA. This paper considers author sequence in ACA and proposes a sequence-based ACA method.

Mié, 10-06-2020; 00:00
Otras sedes
Webinar "Impacto social de la pandemia"

Evento online a través de Youtube https://youtu.be/3aMYI-MEP38

Dentro del ciclo “El CSIC da respuestas”

Con la participación de Diego Ramiro (IEGD-CSIC), M.ª Angeles Durán (IEGD-CSIC) y Luis Miller (IPP-CSIC)

Barr, Abigail and Miller, Luis. (2020). The effect of education, income inequality and merit on inequality acceptance. Journal of Economic Psychology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joep.2020.102276

Barr, Abigail and Miller, Luis. (2020)

Abstract. A large number of observational and experimental studies have explored the determinants of individual preferences for redistribution. In general, inequalities are more likely to be accepted by people of higher socioeconomic status, in richer societies and when inequalities are perceived as justifiable owing to differences in productivity. Almas et al.

Paniagua A. (2020) Geographies of Differences (and Resistances) in Urbanized and Depopulated Remote Rural Areas. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Wall T. (eds) Life on Land. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Spr

Paniagua A. (2020)

Abstract. The geographies of differences and resistances consist of experiences, processes, and visions of people in a distinctive space, expressed through everyday actions and behaviors to stay in a place. The distinctive spaces analyzed represent depopulated rural areas and urban ruralities, namely, (i) rural spaces with historical population losses, (ii) processes of socioeconomic decline, and (iii) lifestyles and rural spaces in urban contexts, both associated with actions and strategies of difference and daily resistance of people.

Hein, et al., (2020). Progress in natural capital accounting for ecosystems. Available at: http://science.sciencemag.org/ on February 3, 2020

Progress in natural capital accounting for ecosystems

Lars Hein, Kenneth J. Bagstad, Carl Obst, Bram Edens, Sjoerd Schenau, Gem Castillo, Francois Soulard, Claire Brown, Amanda Driver, Michael Bordt, Anton Steurer, Rocky Harris, Alejandro Caparrós. Progress in natural capital accounting for ecosystems. Available at: http://science.sciencemag.org/ on February 3, 2020

Mié, 11-03-2020; 00:00
Seminario IPP: "Políticas públicas de desplazamiento interno: fuerza o flaqueza del Estado soberano

Por Ileana Nicolau (EUI)

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Organiza: Francisco Herreros (IPP-CSIC)

Vie, 27-03-2020; 00:00
Seminario GEA (Grupo de Ética Aplicada):"La Confianza"


Sala José Gaos 3C

- Fernando Broncano (Universidad Carlos III): Ignorancia y Confianza

- Mar Cabezas Hernández (Universidad Complutense): La confianza en la reparación de la negligencia emocional infantil:  un caso de injusticia hermenéutica.