Mié, 16-10-2019; 00:00
Seminario IPP: "Two bandits or more? The case of Viking Age England"

Por Gert Svendsen (Universidad de Aarhus)

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Organiza: Francisco Herrerros (IPP-CSIC)

Mié, 02-10-2019; 00:00
Seminarios del IPP: "A difference principle for conceptions of the good?"

Por Luis Fernando Medina (Universidad Carlos III)

Sala Herbert Simon 3D

Organiza: Francisco Herreros (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)

Cruz-Martínez, G (2019) "Rethinking universalism: Older-age international migrants and social pensions in Latin America and the Caribbean", Global Social Policy. First Published September 14, 2019.

Cruz-Martínez, G (2019)

Abstract. This article criticises the social policy literature for equating universalism to the universal coverage of citizens. The current so-called ‘universal’ social protection systems guarantee social citizen rights, while the revisited truly universalism guarantees social human rights for everyone. Crisp-set qualitative comparative analysis (csQCA) is used to map and track the level of exclusiveness or inclusiveness into social pensions in the existing 30 social pension programmes on 28 Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries.

Degli Esposti, Sara, & Vincenzo Pavone. (2019). Oocyte provision as a (quasi) social market: Insights from Spain. Social Science & Medicine 234(2019)

Degli Esposti, Sara, & Vincenzo Pavone.

Abstract. The provision of oocytes plays an important role in human fertility treatments. Spain alone performs half of oocyte provision cycles in the European Union whilst all other European countries face an oocyte shortage. How do Spanish fertility clinics manage to match the increasing domestic and foreign demand for female oocytes?

Da Roit, B., & Moreno Fuentes, F.J. (2019). Cash for care and care employment: (missing) debates and realities. Social Policy & Administration, 53(4): 596-611

Da Roit, B., & Moreno Fuentes, F.J. (2019)

Abstract. The introduction of cash-for-care (CfC) schemes in different European countries over the last years has responded to a plurality of strategies aimed at attending the rising demand and increasing costs of the long-term care needs of an ageing population.

Alberta Andreotti, Patrick Le Galès & Francisco Javier Moreno-Fuentes (2019) The challenge of researching “partial exit” and “rootedness” among upper-middle classes in European cities, Urban Geography, 40:5, 627-644

Alberta Andreotti, Patrick Le Galès

Abstract. The rise of mobilities has paved the way for important changes within cities and the possibility for urban upper-middle classes to exit from their cities and national societies, disinvesting on them, while still taking profits in a process of deterritorialization with important consequences at the collective level. Investigating the extent to which upper-middle classes shaped and are still rooted (or not) in their cities is a challenge, even more when international comparison is involved.

Pau Marí-Klose & Francisco Javier Moreno-Fuentes (2013) The Southern European Welfare model in the post-industrial order, European Societies, 15:4, 475-492, DOI: 10.1080/14616696.2013.835853

Pau Marí-Klose & Francisco Javier Moreno-Fuentes

Abstract. The discussion on the existence of a distinctive ‘Mediterranean’ welfare model has focused on the historical and politico-institutional dynamics, as well as on the policy traits of the welfare arrangements found in Southern European countries. Particular attention has been given to the external pressures and internal constraints faced by the welfare systems of these countries, as well as to what extent there is a common response to such challenges.

Barbara Da Roit, Amparo González Ferrer & Francisco Javier Moreno-Fuentes (2013) The Southern European migrant-based care model, European Societies, 15:4, 577-596, DOI: 10.1080/14616696.2013.836405

Barbara Da Roit, Amparo González Ferrer & Francisco Javier Moreno-Fuentes

Abstract. The development of personal social services and female employment is intertwined, not only in the domain of childcare. With the ageing of the population, the changing forms of care and the developments in the eldercare labour market become crucial issues. The new risk of dependency represents a challenge, but also an opportunity. This paper provides an overview of the relationship between the development of long-term care policies and services in distinct European countries and female employment in the care sector.

Cruz‐Martínez, Gibrán. (2019) Older‐Age Social Pensions and Poverty: Revisiting Assumptions on Targeting and Universalism. Poverty & Public Policy 11:1-2, 31-56.

Cruz‐Martínez, Gibrán

Abstract. Whether social protection benefits should be assigned to all (universal) or kept only for those who meet specific criteria (targeting) remains one of the most contentious questions in social policy research. The purpose of this article is to revisit three assumptions on the two main social policy options for the provision of social benefits to older persons. Each assumption is assessed through counterfactual reasoning using a combination of literature review and statistical analysis with a global perspective.

Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Sugimoto, Cassidy R., Larivière, Vincent. (2019). Follow the leader: On the relationship between leadership and scholarly impact in international collaborations. PLoSONE 14(6).


Abstract. National contributions to science are influenced by a number of factors, including economic capacity, national scientific priorities, science policy, and institutional settings and cultures. Nations do not have equal opportunities to access the global scientific market, and therefore, often seek out international partners with complementary resources and expertise. This study aims at investigating national collaboration strategies, with a focus on research leadership—measured through corresponding authorship—and its relationship with scientific impact.