Ferrín, M., M. Fraile y G. García-Albacete (2019). Adult roles and the gender gap in political knowledge: a comparative study. Published online 26 Mar 2019.

Ferrín, M., M. Fraile y G. García-Albacete

Abstract. The unusual size and persistence of the gender gap in political knowledge is perplexing in comparison to other dimensions of politics. Building on situational explanations of political engagement, this article claims that women’s and men’s specific adult roles lead to an enlargement of the gender gap in knowledge. The present study analyses men and women’s levels of political knowledge at different life stages by means of two unique datasets specifically collected to measure what people know about politics.

Ferrín, M., M. Fraile y G. García-Albacete (2019). Who Learns in Information Rich Contexts? The Informative Effects of the 2015 Spanish Electoral Campaign. Published online 22 Feb 2019.

Ferrín, M., M. Fraile y G. García-Albacete

Abstract. This article analyzes the informative effects of an election campaign in a scenario where new political information entered the competition, given the emergence of two new parties. Using an exhaustive measure of political learning, and thanks to the use of panel data, it shows that at least some of the otherwise “inattentive citizens” were able to learn about politics during the Spanish general election campaign in December 2015. This group predominantly comprised women, the poorly educated, and especially those with low motivation.

Jue, 07-03-2019; 00:00
Seminario IPP: "Incumbents Beware: The Impact of offshoring on elections"

Por Stephanie Rickard (London School of Economics and Political Science)

Sala Herbert A Simon 3D

Organiza: Francisco Herreros (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)

Jue, 21-02-2019; 00:00
Seminario IPP: "Presentaciones de estudiantes en prácticas"

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

En este seminario tendrá duración de 2 horas, y su objetivo es que los estudiantes puedan presentar su trabajo realizado durante los meses de estancia en el IPP y recibir comentarios y sugerencias constructivos de cara a la finalización de su práctica.


Jue, 28-02-2019; 00:00
Seminario IPP: "What are we teaching them"

Por Eli Spiegelman (Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comte, Burgundy School of Business)

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Organiza Francisco Herreros (IPP-CCHS-CSIC)

Cruz-Martínez, G. (2018). A Bottom-up picture of intra-national welfare regimes: the case of marginalised communities in Puerto Rico. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy. Published online 06 Oct 2018.

Cruz-Martínez, G.

Abstract. The main purpose of this article is twofold: (1) an examination of welfare regimes using a bottom-up approach, which enables a comprehensive analysis of welfare production based on recipients perceptions; and (2) an examination of more than one type of welfare-mix coexisting inside the national level across policy sectors. A classification of welfare regimes is carried out following a bottom-up approach and relying on the basis of the importance of welfare providers to satisfy social risks and promote well-being. Three traditional (e.g.

Mié, 12-12-2018; 00:00
Seminario IPP: "Improving the measurement of adult and child poverty in Europe"

Por David Gordon (University of Bristol)

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Organiza: Francisco Herreros (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)

Vie, 14-12-2018; 00:00
Seminario IPP: "Fiscal Decentralization and Competitive Politics. Explaining the Survival of Subnational Governments"

Por Amuitz Garmendia (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid)

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Organiza: Francisco Herreros (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)

Jue, 22-11-2018; 00:00 hasta Vie, 23-11-2018; 00:00
Otras sedes
2nd Meeting of the Spanish Experimental Philosophy Association (AEFEX)

Venue: Morning location 2.A.02 Room, Puerta de Toledo Campus, Carlos III University.
Afternoon location Red Room, La Corrala.

Participation of Fernando Aguiar (IFS-CSIC) & Luis Miller (IPP-CSIC), 23th, 10:30-11:05 a.m., Personality and income inequality acceptance.

Valentino, N.A., Soroka, S.N., Iyengar, S., Aalberg, T., Duch, R., Fraile, M. et al. (2017) Economic and Cultural Drivers of Immigrant Support Worldwide. British Journal of Political Science. Published online 1 November 2017

Valentino, N.A., Soroka, S.N., Iyengar, S., Aalberg, T., Duch, R., Fraile, M. et al.

Abstratc. Employing a comparative experimental design drawing on over 18,000 interviews across eleven countries on four continents, this article revisits the discussion about the economic and cultural drivers of attitudes towards immigrants in advanced democracies. Experiments manipulate the occupational status, skin tone and national origin of immigrants in short vignettes.