Jue, 07-06-2018; 00:00
Otras sedes
8ª CRECS Entreconferencias. Conferencia internacional sobre revistas científicas

Lugar: Sala Botella, 1ª planta, Fac. Medicina, UCM, Ciudad Universitaria (Madrid)

Participan entre otros: 
"Balance de ocho años de ediciones CRECS", Luis Rodríguez-Yunta (CCHS-CSIC),

Mié, 30-05-2018; 00:00
Seminario IPP: "Rebels with a Cause: The Role of Elections in the Development of Anti-Incumbent Behaviours"

Por: Pedro Riera Sagrera (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Organiza: Francisco Javier Moreno Fuentes (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)

Mié, 11-04-2018; 00:00
Seminario IPP: "La securitización de la protesta en España"

Por Kerman Calvo Borobía (Universidad de Salamanca)  

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Contacto: Francisco Javier Moreno Fuentes (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)

Cruz-Castro, L. & Sanz-Menendez, L. (2018) Autonomy and Authority in Public Research Organisations: Structure and Funding Factors. Minerva 56(2): 135-160 (OPEN ACCESS)

Cruz-Castro, L. & Sanz-Menendez, L.

This paper establishes a structural typology of the organisational configurations of public research organisations which vary in their relative internal sharingof authority between researchers and managers; we distinguish between autonomous, heteronomous and managed research organisations.

Vie, 16-03-2018; 00:00
Seminario IPP: "Challenging Capitalism in the Gilded Age: The Knights of Labor and the U.S. Working Class"

Por Michael Biggs (Oxford University)

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Organiza: Francisco Javier Moreno Fuentes (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)

Martínez, C. & Bares, L. (2018) The link between technology transfer and international extension of university patents: evidence from Spain. Science and Public Policy. Published online 22 February 2018

Martínez, C. & Bares, L.

Abstract. The aim of this article is to shed light on the decision-making process at university technology transfer offices and show that the last steps in the process of international patent extension, when costs step up, tend to be only taken conditional on the existence of a licensing agreement. This information has so far been underexploited by policymakers and innovation scholars in search of innovation indicators.

Mié, 31-01-2018; 00:00
Otras sedes
Jacques Mairesse

Lugar: Sala de prensa CSIC, c/Serrano 113 (Madrid)


12:00 Introducción
Elena Domínguez Cañas, Vicepresidenta Relaciones Internacionales CSIC

Mié, 24-01-2018; 00:00
Seminario IPP: "Desigualdades institucionales en la Eurozona"

Por Salvador Pérez Moreno (Universidad de Málaga)

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Organiza: Javier Moreno (IPP-CSIC)

González-Ferrer, A. & Moreno Fuentes, F.J. (2017) Back to the Suitcase? Emigration during the Great Recession in Spain. South European Society and Politics 22(4): 447-471

González-Ferrer, A. & Moreno Fuentes, F.J.

Abstract. The complex and multidimensional economic crisis experienced by Spain since 2008 significantly altered migration patterns in this country. Large scale unemployment contributed to slow down migrant inflows and accelerated out-migration flows in Spain. The media coverage of these processes created a distorted image of the patterns of migration affecting Spain during the crisis.