Mié, 30-11-2016; 00:00
Seminario IPP: "Regional branching and Key-Enabling-Technologies (KETS): patent-based evidence for smart and sustainable specialisation strategies"

Por Sandro Montresor (Kore University of Enna) y Francesco Quatraro (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis)

Sala Herbert Simon 3D

Organiza: Francisco Javier Moreno Fuentes (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)

Mar, 25-10-2016; 00:00
Jornada informativa "¿Es difícil solicitar y gestionar un proyecto de investigación?"

Sala Menéndez Pidal 0E18

Unidad de Captación de Recursos y Gestión de Proyectos y Contratos de Investigación
Unidad de Personal
Unidad de Compras
Unidad de Gestión Económica y Adquisiciones
Biblioteca TNT
Unidad de Divulgación, Cultura Científica y Edición Digital

Organiza: CCHS-CSIC

Closa C. (2016) Secession from a Member State and EU Membership: the View from the Union. European Constitutional Law Review 12(2): 240-264

Closa C.

Abstract. Arguments in favour of a more explicit and clearer EU stance on secession from a member state – two different cases for secession and their implications – the inadmissibility of unilateral secession within the EU – consensual secession does not create a legal entitlement for automatic membership – the need to follow the route of Article 49 TEU – no need for a specific secession provision in EU treaties

Mié, 28-09-2016; 00:00
Seminario IPP: "Multi-level governance in migrant health care. Italian policies and Regional challenges"

Por Roberta Perna (Universidad de Turín)

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Oviedo, J.L. & Yoo, H.I. (2017) A Latent Class Nested Logit Model for Rank-Ordered Data with Application to Cork Oak Reforestation. Environmental and Resource Economics 68(4): 1021-1051

Oviedo, J.L. & Yoo, H.I.

Abstract. We analyze stated ranking data collected from recreational visitors to the Alcornocales Natural Park (ANP) in Spain. The ANP is a large protected area which comprises mainly cork oak woodlands. The visitors ranked cork oak reforestation programs delivering different sets of environmental (reforestation technique, biodiversity, forest surface) and social (jobs and recreation sites created) outcomes. We specify a novel latent class nested logit model for rank-ordered data to estimate the distribution of willingness-to-pay for each outcome.

Ovando P., Campos P., Oviedo J.L. & Caparrós A. (2016) Ecosystem accounting for measuring total income in private and public agroforestry farms. Forest Policy and Economics 71: 43-51

Ovando P., Campos P., Oviedo J.L. & Caparrós A.

Abstract. We develop an ecosystem accounting system to estimate individual products' biophysical and total income indicators. The ecosystem products are grouped into private and public activities and measured consistently with the principle of exchange value of the standard national accounts.

Campos P., Ovando P., Mesa B. & Oviedo J.L. (2016) Environmental Income of Livestock Grazing on Privately-owned Silvopastoral Farms in Andalusia, Spain. Land Degradation and Development, Published online 6 June 2016

Campos P., Ovando P., Mesa B. & Oviedo J.L.

Abstract. In Mediterranean silvopastoral ecosystems, grazing continues to be a key economic practice that shapes forest, woodland, shrubland and grassland and remains a primary feed source for livestock breeding. However, conventional national accounting statistics do not provide information on livestock grazing leases and environmental income. The main goals of this study were to apply the residual value method for measuring livestock grazing forage consumption and its private environmental price according to the predominant vegetation at the farm scale.

Lun, 05-09-2016; 00:00 hasta Mar, 06-09-2016; 00:00
Otras sedes
Curso de Verano 2016: "Una mirada interdisciplinar a la investigación sobre envejecimiento"

Lugar: Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo- UIMP; Av. de los Castros, 42, (Santander)

Mar, 18-10-2016; 00:00
Regional Workshop of the AURES Project: "Auctions for Renewable Energy Support in the EU"

Sala Menéndez Pidal 0E18

Organiza: Pablo del Río (IPP, CCHS-CSIC), AURES Project y Asociación Española para la Economía Energética (AEEE)

Workshop de acceso restringido


Jue, 19-05-2016; 00:00
Seminario IPP: "Diseño institucional y protección de la democracia por organizaciones regionales en América del Sur"

Por Carlos Closa (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)

Sala Herbert A. Simon 3D

Organiza: Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP-CSIC)