Mié, 13-04-2016; 00:00
Seminario IPP: "(How) Does ethnic diversity impact turnout? Comparative evidence from over 600 elections around the world”

Por Ferrán Martínez (Universidad de Sydney)

Sala Herbert Simon 3D

Organiza: José Fernández-Albertos. Grupo “Ciudadanos e Instituciones” (IPP, CCHS-CSIC)

Zacca-Gonzalez G., Chinchilla-Rodriguez Z., Vargas-Quesada B. & Moya-Anegon F. (2014) Bibliometric analysis of regional Latin America's scientific output in Public Health through. BMC Public Health 14: 632

Zacca-Gonzalez G., Chinchilla-Rodriguez Z., Vargas-Quesada B. & Moya-Anegon F.


In the greater framework of the essential functions of Public Health, our focus is on a systematic, objective, external evaluation of Latin American scientific output, to compare its publications in the area of Public Health with those of other major geographic zones. We aim to describe the regional distribution of output in Public Health, and the level of visibility and specialization, for Latin America; it can then be characterized and compared in the international context.

Garcia J.A., Rodriguez-Sanchez R., Fdez-Valdivia J. & Moya-Anegon F. (2014) A web application for aggregating conflicting reviewers' preferences. Scientometrics 99(2): 523-539

Garcia J.A., Rodriguez-Sanchez R., Fdez-Valdivia J. & Moya-Anegon F.

Abstract. Drawing on social choice theory we derive a rationale in which each reviewer is asked to provide his or her second, third, and fourth choice in addition to his/her first choice recommendation regarding the acceptance/revision/rejection of a given manuscript. All reviewers’ hierarchies of alternatives are collected and combined such that an overall ranking can be computed.

Bornmann L., Stefaner M., Moya-Anegon F. & Mutz R. (2014) Ranking and mapping of universities and research-focused institutions worldwide based on highly-cited papers. A visualisation of results from multi-level models. Online Information Review 38(1): 43

Bornmann L., Stefaner M., Moya-Anegon F. & Mutz R.


The web application presented in this paper allows for an analysis to reveal centres of excellence in different fields worldwide using publication and citation data. Only specific aspects of institutional performance are taken into account and other aspects such as teaching performance or societal impact of research are not considered. The purpose of this paper is to address these issues.

Mié, 06-04-2016; 00:00
Otras sedes
S&D LIBE Hearing / Conference: "Defending the rule of law within the EU"

Venue: European Parliament, Rue Wiertz 60, Room ASP A3H-1, Brussels

Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists  &  Democrats (S&D)

15.15–15.40h., Carlos Closa Montero, Director of the research area European Transnational and Global governance. (tbc)



Balcells L., Fernández-Albertos J. & Kuo A. (2015) Preferences for Inter-Regional Redistribution. Comparative Political Studies 48(10): 1318-1351

Balcells L., Fernández-Albertos J. & Kuo A.

Abstract. What explains individual support for inter-regional redistribution? Few studies examine support for regional redistribution, even though such issues are politically salient in many democracies. We test models that hypothesize that such preferences are affected by regional and individual income, as well as other arguments beyond the traditional political economy framework. We focus on informational assumptions and implications of these models with an experiment embedded in a nationally representative survey in Spain.

Fernández-Albertos J. (2015) The Politics of Central Bank Independence. Annual Review of Political Science 18: 217-237

Fernández-Albertos J.

Abstract. This article reviews recent contributions addressing the following questions: Under what circumstances is monetary policy delegated to politically independent central banks? What effects do these politically independent institutions have, and how do they interact with their macroeconomic institutional environment? What explains the variation in their behavior? And finally, to what extent has the recent economic crisis altered the role of these institutions? In answering these questions, this article advances two arguments.

Fernández-Albertos J. & Manzano D. (2012) The Lack of Partisan Conflict over the Welfare State in Spain. South European Society and Politics 17(3): 427-447

Fernández-Albertos J. & Manzano D.

Abstract. One of the most striking facts of recent Spanish political debate has been the relatively little partisan and ideological conflict over the size of the welfare state. To explain this puzzle, we rely on the idea that support for the welfare state and support for redistribution are not necessarily the same thing.